It's my name [Part three] (Prinxiety)

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So! Since the accepting anxiety video I had this idea of doing a part three of this short story since we learn is real name! Just so you know this take place after the accepting video! I just want to apologize if it get incoherent. I will try my best to not make it like that! So let's start this! 

POV Anxiety

Me and Roman were a couple since three months and we keep our relationship secret. I just revealed my name, my real name... Angel was a name that was given to me by the other traits, because they never knew my actual name. I was ashamed of it, more than Angel. When I told it to everyone, of course, Roman played the game that he didn't know, but I could see that he was confused. He thought I lied, but I told them the truth when I didn't with him. I was in my room listening to music to calm me down before Roman get to my place. I cuddle up to my cat pillow and saw the fanciful figure in front of me. He sit in front of me and that was the sign for me to take the headphones off. He started the discussion "Can you explain what this was all  about?" The prince voice was soft and calm since he knows that being angry at me could make me even more anxious that I am already. I took a deep breath and look down. "I... I lied to you... My real name is Virgil not Angel..." Roman expression got sad a little and I winced to this. He spoke up trying to keep his gentle voice "Can  I know why you lied to me? Why you make it this all Angel it's your name situation a thing?" To the second statement, Roman was a bit mad and I knew it was. My thought were running into my mind of all the bad things would happen if I told him, but I success to push those appart to finally explain myself to the person I loved. 

"I lied to you, because I was more ashamed of my real name than Angel... When I wasn't a main trait of Thomas personality, I was with other less important trait like misleading compliment, pranks, imagination, etc. They were all younger then me and I took care of them. They started to call me Angel, because that what I was for them and I didn't say my real name. So it become my second name. When I become a main trait, since I wasn't around the kids as much then before, my mind started to darken this name too, so that's why I react this way you called me angel. It remember me of my past before being it all of you and my mind make me think I wasn't worth it to have this name..." I looked away and apologize "I am sorry Roman... I should have told you" 

Roman knew I said the truth, he smiled softly and bring me into a loving embrace caressing my hair. "Don't apologize emo nightmare" He lifted my chin up and I blush under my white fondation. "I understand, just so you know whatever what is your name, you will always be the most important and beautiful person" He kissed me and I kissed back as all my worries vanished As he broke away he get to my ear and whisper "But I am happy I know your real name, Virgil" I giggle rolling my eyes kissing him again before saying "It's my name prince charming" We kissed each other and we end up cuddling for the rest of the night till we both fall asleep in the arms of one another.

That's the end of this one shot!!! I hope you liked it! If you have any request or suggestion may tell in the comment below! Also I will try to post every time a sanders sides video is post! The next one shot with be one of Logicality! Okay now, let's talk about the new Sanders Sides video! I have waited for this for so long!!! It was amazing!!! First, it was two of my favourite thing reunite together! Harry Potter and Sanders Sides! All of them with purple hair are fabulous but even more Virgil! (personal opinion tho). All the references and the pun with the Harry Potter world! FANTASTIC!! Patton was so cute! ALways defending his son and trying to send him so much love!! Adorable!!! The logicality moment geez! They were  more than adorable like how?! Roman trying to not insult Virgil is so funny and cute! He doesn't want to hurt Anxiety feelings because he love himmmmmmm! Logan with his croofters, like what? I was so confused but it was funny! I loved this video so badly! It's definitely part of one of my favourite! I rewatched this video for like a thousand times! Whatever sorry for rambling about this haha! I am just a huge fangirl! In other subject, I am part of the Hufflepuff house! What about you everyone?? On this, see you soon and I love you all!

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