Do you hate Watson? (Logicality)

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Warning: A bit of spoilers from the last video

POV Third person

After everyone give their gift to the one they pick, Patton get back in his room remembering what Logan said about Watson. Obviously, Patton was sad about it, since in the motivation video, he played Watson. The dad character pushed this aside and just fake a smile before going to prepared the dinner for everyone. While he was doing it he saw Logan reading the screenplay with a lot of concentration. He had a pen in his hand to correct some mistakes that Roman did throughout the play. Patton put the pizza in the oven and slowly walked up to the logical side.

"Hey Logan, what are you doing?" He asked softly. Logan looked up and grinned sightly.

"Oh, hey Patton, I am correcting some little incoherence in the gift of Roman. Also, Watson didn't die in the beginning, but more in the middle of the story, so I am changing that too, but don't tell Roman."

Patton heart broke a little, but he didn't show it. He simply nodded before walking fastly to his room forgetting the pizza in the oven. He felt tears reaching his eyes as he close the door of his room. He started crying silently while looking at the video they tried to solve a mystery. After a little while, someone knocked on his door softly and he wiped his tears quickly. He get up and go open the door to found Virgil on the other side. He stick a fake smile on his lips before spoken up.

"What's up kiddo? Do you need anything?" Virgil looked at Patton and said

"I should ask that to you... I know you were crying..." Patton gasped and looked down. "What's wrong?" Patton started crying again and hide his face with his hands saying.

"Logan hates Watson..." He cried harder and Virgil didn't quite understand the problem.

"Yeah... What is the problem with that, Pat?" The dad side look up tears staining his cheeks as he said with a shaking voice.

"He h-hates me too b-because everytime w-we play to Sherlock... I... I am Watson and... A-and in the video of losing motivation I was... I was Watson..." He started to cry harder as Virgil understood why Patton was like that. It made awhile now, but Logan and Patton were a couple and it was one of their activities together.

"Patton, he doesn't hate you, because you represent Watson! I am sure that Logan think you are way more important than Watson, you should talk to him" Patton nodded and hugged Virgil to thank him. The younger hug back awkwardly before letting go the father trait.

"Thanks kiddo..." He smiled before walking up to Logan.

Logan was still working on the play and Patton said gay up to him.

"Do you hate Watson?..." Logan look up at him confused and answered afterwards.

"Hate is a big word, I don't particularly like him, why do you ask?" Patton looked down and said.

"If you don't like him, why you want me to play him?" Logan understood what was wrong and said

"Pat, if you were the real Watson, I will love you, I am not a fan of the actual Watson, but you are a way better Watson than himself." Patton eyes started shining

"Really??" Logan got up and took his hands.

"Of course Pat, I love you" He kissed him softly as the moral side kissed slowly back.

"I love you too Lo"

After that Logan and Patton decided to write their own Sherlock play with a better Watson and a better Sherlock.


I am back guys!! It make a long time I didn't write thank you for your patience! Also I will post a prinxiety story and the end of who make you cry? As I wrote in the warning, that is inspired from the newest sanders sides video and it was so good! I saw a lot people theorizing to the fact that this video is foreshadowing to an angsty Roman! I am scared but kinda excited at the same time! The end card as adorable between Virgil and Patton!! I love you all and see you soon! I wish an Happy New Year! Stay Strong and sometimes it may be hard but it's not forever!

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