Don't tell anyone (Prinxiety)

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Sorry it took so long to post again, I wasn't feeling quite well in the past week so yeah! I am so sorry for all those person who request me and I didn't do it! I promise I will! The next on my to do list is the polyship one requested by  Mak_Mon_XP ! This request is from ILiveInDenial ! Hope you like it!

Warning: The mention of Anxiety's name since the video have been post one week ago sooo yeah! if for unknown reason you don't wanna be spoiled by it, don't read it!

POV Third Person

Anxiety was cursing to himself when he realized what week it was. The one he hated the most; the one of his period. It was hard to believe that one day Virgil have been a girl. It was before he became a main trait of Thomas personality and he transitioned to who he really was before he first appear in the video. Only Patton , the person he considered as a dad, knew about him being a AFAB and nobody else. Anxiety didn't want the others to know, even less Roman for two particular reasons.  First, he had a crush for the fanciful side and second, he will probably mocked him with ridiculous nicknames like he always do. Virgil get to his personal bathroom groaning in pain. His stomach was hurting like if hell was rising in it. He sit on the toilet to fix everything up, as he finished he tried to walk back to his bed with the small amount of energy he had. The younger trait pain was so intense he could barely stand up. He was now half way there and the dad persona enter in the room to take news from his dark strange son (Author: See what I did there hehe). The younger trait couldn't get in bed because of the soreness that his periods caused. He knew somehow that his father was here so he asked with a cracking voice "D-dad..." Patton run up to his son. The sight of him in pain broke the moral side heart. "I am here Virgil, I am here..." He placed his son on the bed and held him close his chest. The father build up a fort out of pillow and cover that was over him and his child. The anxious boy cuddle up against his father side as Morality caress his hair. Anxiety asked with a shaking voice "C-can you s-stay with m-me?" Patton smiled kissing his forehead "Of course Virgil" His stomach pain weren't that bad now that his dad by his side. He put his head on the father persona chest to listen at his heartbeat. It calmed him down and his eyes were slowly closing as the older trait play with his anxious baby hair. The darker side drifted off asleep quickly and the protective hold of his father.

-few hours later-

Virgil was still asleep on a Patton reading. The door of Anxiety was wide open. The prince persona was walking down the hall searching for the dog lover. The curiosity gained Roman as he saw the door of his fellow emo nightmare open. He looked in and was quiet surprised to saw Morality's reading with Virgil asleep on his chest into a fort of pillows. Of course, jealousy come tackled him, since he had romantic feelings for the youngest trait. He keeped his head up knocking softly on the side of the door. Patton lifted his head up and he was panicking inside, since his son didn't want anyone to know even less Princey. The fanciful side spoke up: "Is Virg sick?" Worry and concern were filling his eyes and voice. The moral side was an awful liar and seeing how much the creative trait cared he let out a small apology for his child before he look back at Roman. He spoke up "He isn't sick, but promise me what I will confess to you, you just don't tell anyone." His tone was serious and he held Virgil like a father will do. Princey bring his hand up to his chest directly on his heart. "I swear, I won't say anything" Patton knew that he was homest and say "Virgil is transgender, right now he on his periods. I always take care of him and comfort him. I considered him my son after all... I will do anything for my child..." Roman jealousy flew away at Morality's last statements. He now understood so many things and he simply nodded. Patton asked "Did you need anything kiddo?" He shook his head and he decided that each week Virgil will be in his period, he will be there for his chemical unbalanced romance.

End of this other request! Hope you enjoyed it! I may do a part two so comment if you would like this to happen! Love you all people! Xox

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