Who make you cry? (Logicality) [part three]

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Trigger warning : Beating up, swearing and blood

POV Third person

Patton finished up the issue that Thomas had as he walk up to Logic room. He tried to get in and it was lock. He start to panic, but try to calm himself down. As he try again he heard a scream, it was Logan scream. Patton rage and anger, that he keep inside went all out, because of that scream. He broke down the door. What he saw didn't help him to calm down, it just make him worse. He saw Perfection holding a blade close, too close of Logan. Patton used his magical power to stop him. Perfection couldn't move and growled. He didn't know what will happen next. Patton get in front of him and took him by the neck squeezing it rudely as the moral side smash his head violently into the wall. The voice of Patton was filled with anger and was deep.

"You little bitch! It's the end of you, I swear!" Perfection was actually surprise to saw Patton like that. He gulped and simply whispered.

"You can't kill me..." Patton smirk evilly and say to his ear

"Watch me, you fucking asshole" He attached him to the wall and start to beat the crap out of him. At each hit he was saying something to him.

"That's for Logan and to be an asshole! YOU HAVE TOUCHED TO MY LOVER! DON'T YOU DARE! YOU DESERVE THE FUCKING PAIN!!" He hit him directly in the throat and Perfection was bleeding as he was spitting blood . "HOW DOES IT FEEL HUH?!" He kept going till he add no anger and him no more.

No one could have recognize or will recognize Perfection, because of how badly he was injured. He was lifeless and he was starting to fade away. As he fade away Patton knew he will never come back. He turn around to saw that Anxiety and Princey were there all the time and Patton look down grimacing. He didn't like this side of himself. The two other sides were helping Logan out, as Roman use his magic to heal Logan. Patton look at Virgil and Roman

"I... I am sorry that you saw that side of me kiddo... I am..." Virgil hug him and say

"It's okay dad" Roman got up when he finished to heal Logan, who was unconscious.

"It's fine Padre, you did the right thing" He pat his shoulder before leaving the room with Virgil, holding his hands.

As they close the door, Patton took Logan in his arms and bring him on his bed. He clean up the mess that was his room. When he was done, he sit on the side of the bed crying quietly. He hugged Logan close.

"I... I am sorry he came b-back and I wasn't there for you... He won't come back... Ever... I promise..." As those words escape his lips, Logan was waking up growling because of the pain. He asked with a cracked voice.

"P-Patton?" He smiled and say softly wiping his tears away

"It's my name, don't wear it out" Logan turn around hugging Patton tightly

"Thank you to have save me..." He smiled and whispered

"Anything for you Lo..." Logan look deep into Patton eyes before kissing him.

"I love you" The dad smiled by kissing back and saying

"I love you too" At this moment, Logan figured that without mistake he wouldn't be able to ler. So from now on, if he did a mistake, he won't be ashamed but proud of it.

So I am officially back everyone! HOpe you all enjoy the last part of this sequel! I had plenty ideas for some others one shot! If you have idea or request, comment them bellow I will be glad to do them! No DM please, also I need to say something pretty important! Happy Birthday Blackmoon5342 Hope you like it! On this see you soon and love you all!

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