Calm down (Logan x Roman x Patton x Virgil)

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This is a request one shot by Taylor_Hyland ! Hope you enjoy it!

WARNING: *Panic Attack*

POV Third Person

Virgil had a secret ability, because he couldn't stand that people other than him have panic attack. Everytime someone in the mindspace had one, Anxiety would know and run over to the person in need. The emo trait was listening to music in his room, when a cold feelings filled his veins. He knew exactly what it meant. He stopped his music right away and runned to Patton's room. When he get in, Patton was on his bed having difficulty to breath curled into a ball. Anxiety reached to him fastly and sit next to him. He massed his father shoulder since Morality always wore the weight of the world on his shoulder. The heavy breath of Patton, slowly came back to normal as Virgil took the panic attack bottling it up inside. The dad character looked at his son saying in a soft tone "Thanks Virgil" They both shared a loving embrace before going back at their own occupation. Anxiety was listening to the movie 'A nightmare before Christmas', when he was at the middle of the movie, the same unpleasant feeling tackled him once again. Virgil didn't even pause the movie and reached the logical room. Again, he been overworking and Anxiety could sense his heartbeat racing in Logan's chest. He always had a panic when he lose the control over the situation he was in. The dark trait sit in front of the teacher who eyes were nail shut. Anxiety slowly pass his hands over Logan's forehead and his heartbeat went back normal. He had to touch his forehead, because that's where his knowledge was; the reason of most of Logan crisis. Everytime that the younger did that to him, he would fall asleep. Virgil catched him and layed him into his bed afterwards. He only bottled up the panic attack of Logan like he did with the one of the Patton. He caress his hair and kissed the forehead of Logic softly before walking out of his room. Few hours passed and now the anxious trait was once again in his room, but now he was playing piano. He was playing 'I hate you, I love you' by Gnash. He was at his favourite part of the song when it happened again, But it was more then cold this time. It was frozen. He gasped as he felt this. He whispered "Roman..." He speed up to the prince room. He saw him crying, shaking and in complete panic. He knew that the romantic side had pain in his chest and he having multiple goosebumps raced on his arms. Virgil kneel next to him and slowly put his hand over his chest, close to his heart, because Roman's panic always came from his heart. It took few minutes to calm the fanciful, since it was a bigger attack. When Princey finally calm down, Virgil wipped his tears away. He whispered soft words into the creative side ear : "Everything is okay now, I am here, don't worry, everything is fine" He didn't let go of the hug he created for Roman. This attack was a bit more difficult for Anxiety to keep inside, but he success to do it. The prince looked at the dark trait with a thankful look as he spoke up : "Thank you emo nightmare, I don't know what I will do if you weren't there" Virgil grinned softly: "Go get some rest Meta knight" He separate from the embrace and before leaving, he assured that Roman get in bed and walked back to his room. As he get there, he falled into his bed to get a good night of rest.

Week passes and Anxiety keep bottling up everyone panic attack, even his own. It have a consequence to over use his ability, when he will let out all the crisis. It will be the worse pain he would felt. This pain could kill him if no one reached on time to calm him down. Suddenly, it was the crisis that he wouldn't be able to keep inside. Words and thought were racing widely into his mind. 'you so stupid! No one love you!! You not even able to handle everyone happiness! You are weak!! Nobody even care about you! Roman, Patton and Logan, they all hate you! You are a disgrace! You are worthless! They all hate you! ' Virgil breath get even more hard to travel throught his lungs. It was burning him as he spitted blood out. He falled unto his knees unable to stand because of the weakness he felt. All his body was convulsing and shaking of soreness. His heart was beating so fast into his chest, he didn't know how it could still beat. He screamed out of pain, to get any sort of help. His vision was blurry and he could barely hear what was happening around him. He was sure it was the end of him, thst he would die and it was the end. The unexpected happened as the three others traits were surrounding Virgil. Roman took him into his arms tightly. Logan was next to Roman as he caressed the hair of the anxious side. Patton him was closing the loving hug, sending positive emotions towards his son. Roman whispered into Virgil ear "Calm down, Verge, we are all here. We all love you" Logan spoke up when Princey finished by kissing his cheek"You are perfect, you are an amazing human being and you are strong" He kissed his forehead and Patton was the last one to talk "You are important and we all care about you" He kissed his neck softly. Virgil succeed to calm down, because of all the love and care that surrounded him. He leaned into the big hug and say "I love you all so much..." The three others chuckled and answered all together "We love you too Virgil" Since this moment, they were always there for each other when someone had a crisis and they were always there when they needed to calm down.

That's the end of this long one shot! I hope you like it! I have another request to do who will be a LAMP one, the part two of Who make you cry! If you have any request, request them! SO NOW! Can I take a moment to talk about the new video?!? FIRST, WHO HURTED MY SWEET BEAN THOMAS!!! I WILL KICK HIS ASS DOWN TILL HE BEG FOR FORGIVENESS!!! Second, Virgil want so much to help and he lead the group!!! Can we talk about the fact that Logicality is canon?? And Patton!! MY SWEET CHILD WHO HIDES THE PAIN!!! MY HEART IS IN PIECE!!! HE FAKED A SMILE!!!! NO ONE NOTICE!!! NOT EVEN VIRGIL!!! Oh my god! ROMAN! ROMAN HIS ACTING WEIRD BECAUSE HE WANT THE ONE THOMAS'S LOVED BACK!!! HE LOSE HIS CONFIDENCE BECAUSE HE IS HEARTBROKEN!! LOGAN! Oh My!! My poor Logan who tried to understand feelings to help out!! SO cute!! Virgil stopping Roman in his crazy ideas was AMAZING!!! When they get to Patton's room oh my god!!! Before they get there the only part that make me laugh was the one between VIrgil and Thomas! Simply Hilarious! Patton his so sad and he hide it with all the nostalgia! That worsen Anxiety!!! He look like he will have a panic attack!!! MY POOR BABY!! Roman is falling appart and our only hope!! Our only way to get out of this madness was Logan... AND HE LEFT!!!! ARGHHHHH!!! Patton snapped at him and Logan seemed so hurted jesus crisis!! I am gonna die!!! AM I THE ONLY ONE??? It's an amazing video!! Also, I would have loved to know about the musical "GUYS AND DOLL" I may look what it is to understand!!! So I will Stop fangirling! See you soon everyone! I love you all! xox

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