Is it true? (Prinxiety)

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It's a request from my lovely friend @Kiarodita! Hope you like it!

POV Third Person

It's been two months than Anxiety and Roman were together, loving and always after each other, but only when Patton or Logan wasn't around. Why? Because they wanted to keep it secret, mostly Anxiety since he was scared of what the others will think. That wasn't new, he was Anxiety after all. He always cared what others thought of him even if he hided it, but they demonstrated little gesture of affection for eachother on the present of the two other trait. For example, cuddling when they are all watching a movie or teasing even more eachother than before with ridiculous but still adorable nicknames. Obviously, Patton, the fanboy of the group was doubting that they were a couple. He noticed the little gesture, but always keep his inner fanboying inside of him. On the other hand, Logan didn't have a clue that they were lovers. It's normal since he doesn't understand quiet well emotions, to be more clear, he doesn't know what they are at all. Roman and Anxiety had passed the day together mostly making out in the royals bed. Roman understood Anxiety and was there for him when he needed. It was the same for Anxiety, he was always there for his Prince. Later that day, the trait were called out for a new vlog of the Sanders Sides. Thomas started with his intro and say.

"Today I feel strange, I don't know what it is but it is new. It make two months now!" He look at Logic "Logan can you explain this to me?"

Logan clear up his throat before starting his point.

"I am sorry Thomas, but I can't help you with that problem. You use the words feel in your statement and you know that I can't help you in that domain! At least the three others can since it's their role"

He adjusted his glasses as Thomas fixed his hair.

"I am sorry for that Logic." He make a pause before calling the Dad persona appear. "Patton! I need your help with a strange feeling that I have lately... It's been two months now"

The moral side had this usual goofy loving smile on his face.

"Of course kiddo, I think I know what it is" He tried to keep his enjoyment for himself so on that he called out the younger side and the fanciful side "Anxiety! Roman!"

The two traits appeared with both messy hairs. Anxiety blushing was hidden behind his white foundation and Roman was able to control his. The prince spoke up fixing his hair while talking.

"What is the problem this time so we can resolve this quest?"

Anxiety groaned and glared at Morality "You could have warned, I was in the middle of some deepest thoughts"

Roman winked at Anxiety and he just hissed at him sticking out his tongue afterwards. Patton couldn't hold more longer his fanboy inside.

"Is Prinxiety a thing??"

Before Roman or even Anxiety could say something Logan spoke up placing his necktie.

"That's impossible! They aren't together, it doesn't make sense!"

Thomas look at the secrets lovers in hope that it was true. His fan were waiting for this to happen it been so long now. He simply ask "Is it true?"

For an answer Roman only kissed Anxiety on the lips over the squeal of Patton and some from Thomas. When Anxiety kiss back, Logan wasn't understanding anything. Anxiety was the one who answered to Thomas.

"Yes, yes it is and you know what is next?"

Everyone frowned looking at the darker trait as he grin.


He looked at Patton who was now a blushing mess and to Logan that was still confused by the situation. Thomas concluded by saying " Now I know why I was feeling stange, see you guys!" They all sink out letting Thomas alone with the camera as his said his usual conclusion "Until next time, take it easy guys, gals and non binary pals, Peace out!"

That's the end of another request! I will tried my best to hurry in the request you gave me, but I will all to do them I promise! I love you and see you all next time!!

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