Chapter 1.

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"Julie, get back here!" my older brother hollered at me.For the past hour we had been playing hide-and-seek. Well, we were until he had found me hiding in the hamper and I ran as fast as my tiny legs could carry me down the stairs.

I squealed as I was lifted off of my feet,and thrown over his shoulder. My dark brown curls fell over my face as I hung there, throwing a temper tantrum.

"Curly Fry! Put me down right now!" I screamed as loud as I could. He seemed to ignore me as i began pounding my fists against his back.

Curly Fry is what i called my brother because his hair reminded me of curly fries.We were roaming the house, as I stopped beating his back,i could only think of one thing-food...Mmmmm

"I want food!" I whined as we entered the kitchen and I was placed onto the countertop. The counters were a jet black,while the tops were a shade of gray granite.

"What would you like to eat Jewel? Remember this is going to be the best day ever." he asked me as he leaned on his elbows and stared at me.

He had told me this morning that today he was going to make this my "bestest day ever." He had looked tired and rundown. His eyes were bloodshot and I was afraid that he had been crying.

Last night, I had heard Daddy yelling at him and I was scared for him, but even more scared to ask what had happened between them. Although, he seemed happy now and managed a real smile. I found myself lightly giggle as the thought of us catching frogs this morning.

"What's so funny Jewel?" he questioned me, his eyebrows rising.

"I was just remembering when you were catching those frogs this morning. How your face was all twisted and then when Robert peed on your hand!" I answered taking short gasps of air between each word as I was now doubled over in laughter.

"I will never truly understand why you love those slimy and disgusting creatures." he said with a huge smile.

"Well I love you, dont I?" I smartly respond, earning a glare. Oh how I loved him so much.

"What would you like to eat my darling?" he asked as he laughed at my response to loving him.

"Chocolate chip cookies!" I screamed and excitedly sat their while he baked me my cookies.

After about half an hour,we had finished eating our cookies. He had managed to burn all but three. We each gobbled down one and then split the third.

I burst into laughter- which felt like the millionth time today- after seeing his milk mustache. I then jumped out of my seat and ran up the stairs into my lovely bedroom.


"Here you go Jewel" he handed me a black string bracelet so that it tied onto my wrist. After he tied it tight enough that it wouldn't suffocate me, nor fall off, I took a good look at the beautiful piece of jewelry.

"Jewel" was the only word and on either side of my nickname, was a white jewel. We are sitting on the floor of my pink bedroom. The carpet a thick, snow white color; my queen sized bed in the middle, and my dresser on the far wall.

"Thanks. Its really pretty." I thanked him as I handed him a bracelet similiar to the one he had made me.The bracelet also tied so I put it on his left wrist- just as he did for me. This one was also black, but instead of saying "Jewel" it read "Curly Fry," with a green gem on either side.

"It's beautiful. Just like you" he told me while planting a kiss onto my forehead.

"You have to promise me that you will never lose your bracelet. I also have this letter for you but you can't open it until you are eighteen." he tells me in a very serious tone as I stare intently into his eyes. He places the letter into my hand and I bury it into one of the many drawers of my dresser.

"I promise Curly Fry." I whisper back while we entwine our pinkes, shake,and let go-another special thing that we did besides the nicknames.

He embraces me in a long hug as I sit in his lap. When I look up, a single tear had fallen as he looked down at me.

"What's wrong?" I curiosly ask.

"Nothing my darling. I just love you so much and hope today was your best day ever." he answers me in a soft tone. I lay my head back down against his chest and I listen to the sounds of his heart beat as I slowly drift into a long sleep.

"Remember our little promise. I love you Jewel. I always will." he whispers into my ear. Sleep had then taken over as I sat there listening to the steady beat of his heart.

And with that last memory, I had finally woke up.


(Sorry that it is such a short chapter.I honestly didnt mean for it to be this short.I would appreciate it if you guys read it and gave me feedback because it would really help me...I really want to make this story the best it can be and I can only do that with your help! So thank you if you read my book! ♥

Love you all!!!!!)

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