Chapter 16.

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"So you also volunteer?" I wonder, hoping he will talk about it with me.

"Yes." he confirms. "I was assigned to an eleven year old boy named Dominick." I mentally cringe when he says he was "assigned". It doesn't sound right. He makes it sounds as if he has to go through with this.

"His left leg is missing after he was in an accident. I think his leg got run over by a motorcycle. From what I know, he was chasing after his dog when it ran out of his house. Then out of nowhere, a group of guys on motorcycles come around the corner and...BAM!"he leans forward, inches away from my face.  "One of the guys just happened to run right over Dominick's leg while he was lying on the ground with his dog. They didn't stop to help him either." he leans back and sits in his previous postion, folding his hands together.

My chest tightens. How could someone do that and just drive away? How could you be so cruel? What has this world come to?

When I don't speak after a while of being lost in thought, Connor asks about Emily.

"Her name is Emily. She is such a sweetheart. She only sees the positives in life, no matter how much the negatives stand out. She's ten now and her birthday is coming up soon I think, but she still loves to color and draw. Her talent amazes me. You know, sometimes, I fear that one day I'll visit her in the hospital-like I do every day- and she won't be there. Emily is too fragile. I don't want her to go. She's like the little sister I never had;not that I would remember her even if I did have one. Emily acts so strong and it's heartbreaking because I know that she's dying inside. I wish I could take her cancer from her and bear it myself. I would do anything for my baby." I cry to Connor. Sitting in Starbucks has really helped us get to know each other more.

He doesn't really respond with words. His facial expressions tell me enough. Looking at his glossy green eyes which seem brighter than before, I see the pity he feels for me. Cutting off eye contact, I take a sip of my Hazelnut Macchiato.

"Julie, I'm so-" Connor starts as he leans forward and reaches for my hands but I cut him off, smackiny his hands away in the process.

"No Connor, I don't need your pity. I don't need anyone's pity. There's nothing I can do about it, so why bother?" I spat. His jaw hangs open, suprised by my sudden out-burst.

"Close your mouth. You're going to catch flies." I glare, mumbling under my breath, but loud enough so he could hear. Connor immediatly shut his mouth.

Sliding out of the booth, I storm out of Starbucks, the bell on the door ringing. Why does everyone feel for me? I don't need anyone to look at me like I'm a lost puppy. I know how to take care of myself and I'm sick and tired of people feeling sorry just because I don't know what's going on with my life.

Halfway to the parking lot I decide on calling Mom to tell her I'll be home soon, only to realize I don't have my phone with me. I had completely forgot all about my phone until now-I was so caught up with Connor.

"Shit" I mutter, pivoting back around and stomping back into the cafe.

Pushing open the door, that damn bell rings again and Connor's head shoots up. His eyebrows knit together in confusion, but I can see he's trying to fight a smile. He thinks I'm coming back to apologize.

"Julie...." he breathes out in relief. "You came back." he smiles.

"Don't flatter yourself. I only came back for my phone." I speak rudely. He's so full of himself, I can't help but think.

"Oh." he whispers, frowning. He pulls my phone out of his pocket, and I'm thankful he still had it from earlier when I ran into him.

Snatching it from his hand, I turn my back to him, and exit the cafe. Once again leaving him sitting at the small table we had shared, and walking out on what could have been the only real friend that might have really cared about me: I just wish I had known that then.


Hey my lovely readers!!! I worked really hard on this update so I'm pretty proud of it, but I want to know what my beautiful readers think! ♥ Yes, you are all beautiful.

I'm actually really happy because I have been recieving a lot of great feedback which has been motivating me which is probably why these updates are getting more frequent. Please if you read, VOTE! COMMENT! SHARE! FOLLOW! Do whatever! I have a lot of things in store for you guys so stay tuned. Next update will probably be beginning of next week.


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