Chapter 5.

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(Thank you MarissaStyles15 for teaching me how to dedicate a chapter!)

We were greeted by a waitress who seemed to be in her early twenties.Her red hair was pulled up into a messy bun as she gestured us to take a seat at a table in the far corner.Niall slid into the booth first,Louis sitting next to him.Then Liam sat on the other side,Zayn and I following.

I scooted closer to Zayn and laid my head on his shoulder.He looked down at me and flashed me a gorgeous smile.He loosely hung his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer. I looked around the small,but unique pizza shop.

The diner looked like a place from the 80's.The floors were black and white checkered tiles,black and white posters hung on the wall,and every booth and stool was covered in shiny red leather.

I even spotted a jukebox in one corner of the diner.My mum had refreshed some of my mind.She told me that I loved to listen to The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, my favorite ice cream was mint chocolate chip,and I loved to sing.

I really wish Harry would have been around because I would love to get to know him more and I still have a major crush on him,but Zayn is warming up to me.I can't get Harry out of my mind.I still have no idea why he is acting this way,but I need to find out.

I tilted my head up to look at Zayn as I poked him in the stomach.

"What kind of pizza would you like to eat?"he asked me,flashing me another smile.

"Hmm.How about pepperoni?"I suggested.

Zayn nodded in response and continued to stare at me.Liam,Niall and Louis were lost in their own conversation about pranking.Louis found it funny while Liam mentioned preparing for their upcoming tour instead.

The waitress came over and took our order.She looked very friendly,but she also looked like she'd rather be anywhere but here.She never said a single word to any of us.As a matter of fact,she never looked up from her notepad.She finished taking our order and strolled back into the kitchen.Rude is all I could think.

"Zayn?"I asked,peering up at him.

"Yes Love?"he responded,raising his eyebrows.

"What did I do wrong?"I curiosly questioned.All day I felt like I had done something wrong to Harry.Actually,I never even got the chance to introduce myself,let alone talk to him.

"What do you mean?"he asked me,his eyebrows pulling together,confused.

"I mean...Does Harry not like me? Did I do something or say something I wasn't supposed to?"I replied,frustrated with myself.

"No Love.You didn't do anything wrong.Why would you think that?"

"Well, we haven't even properly introduced ourselves because he is always upset.I know we just met,but he acts as if I'm invisible,as if I'm just another fan"I started tearing up because of what my sub-consious was saying.

What if he doesn't like you?What if he doesn't want to talk to you because you're just a normal girl?He probably doesn't want to meet you because you're worthless and you don't deserve to even be in their presence.All you are is a fucked up girl.

"Hey,it's not your fault Harry is acting like this.He is just trying to get over a break-up between him and his ex-girlfriend Kendall.All he needs is a little time,that's all.It has nothing to do with you"  Zayn informed me,pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh."Is all I managed to mumble.My eyes wandered over towards the red head waitress,as she carried over our pizzas.My mouth began to water as I took in the delicious scent of pepperoni.I looked over at Niall,who reacted the same way.

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