Chapter 4.

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I still can't believe what my eyes are seeing.The world's most famous boy band is currently in the same room as me.I look from boy to boy,immediatly recognizing Harry,Zayn,and Niall. Niall and Zayn's hair in a quiff while Harry's hair remains in its famous curls. The other two boys-Liam and Louis-I'm not very familiar with.

Zayn abruptly stands up and walks over to me.I can feel my heart pounding against my chest.Why am I nervous? As he comes closer,I'm afraid he can hear my heart practically beating a million miles a minute.He stops about a foot away from me.I'm not a very small girl so I am almost as tall as Zayn. I am pretty tall for a 16 year old:5'7".

Suddenly,Zayn grabs my hand and drops down onto one knee.My heart is still beating so fast that I can hear the pounding in my ears. Zayn grabs my right hand and applies a small and gentle kiss to the back of it.Just this small motion alone makes goosebumps rise on my skin.

"Hello beautiful.You must be Julie."Zayn finally spoke as he stood up and looked down at me,waiting for an answer.

"Y-yes.I-I am." I stuttered."Y-You must

b-be Zayn."He chuckles lightly because of my nervousness.I can feel everyone's eyes staring at the two of us.Niall whispered something into Harry's ear that seemed to upset him.

"Yes.That would be me."He responds,walking back to his previous seat by Louis and plopping down onto the couch.Goosebumps are still present on my skin as I run over to Emily and pull her in for a hug. Her small,frail body seems to shake with excitement.

"Hey baby girl.I missed you so much." I whispered into her ear.

"Hey Julie! I missed you so much too! I've been getting so much better!"she whipser-shouts. Her voice turned into a soft whisper before she spoke again."I can't believe One Direction is here!Especially Niall! I don't even know what to do!".

I pull back from the hug and look to the others.I wave before I start to introduce myself.I walk over to Liam,shaking his hand.He looked absolutely adorable. He flashed me a smile,making my cheeks lightly blush,before I moved onto Niall.Louis shot me a wide smile before slapping my bum as I shook Niall's hand. I yelped in suprise as my cheeks heated up again.

"I may have some competition." Louis stated,while Niall was dying of laughter,his famous laugh echoing around the room,immediatly making Emily giggle.I guess Louis was talking about my bum being better than his-which I doubt because Louis has a bum that every girl wished they had.Instead of

Embarrased by the contact,I went over to greet Harry.He hadn't looked at me or even tried  to speak to me. As I stick my hand out,he hesitates before shaking it.His hand is tense and firm.Is he mad at what Niall told him,or is it because of me? I ask myself. Harry still doesn't bother to look up at me even as he introduces himself.He just stares at the floor,and then immediately turns his head,waiting for me to walk away.

"I'm Harry." he introduces,his thick British accent wavering.Is he about to cry? His gorgeous curls fall across his forehead and I have to say that I still think he is the most attractive.Zayn and Liam being the runner-ups.

"I'm Julie" I tell him,his gaze never meeting me.Whatever.I dont know what his problem is,but I'm not dealing with it.Instead,I walk back over to Zayn and go to shake his hand when I trip over my own foot.What a cluts I think to myself as I land in Zayn's lap.

"Already falling for me,Love?"Zayn teases.

"I-I'm sorry."I apologize."I...I didn't mean to."

"It's okay Love.I don't mind."Zayn tells me,wrapping his arms around my waist.I can still feel everyone staring at us so I quickly hop out of his lap.Zayn pouts by my actions,but replaces it with a smile when I stick my tongue out at him.

"Let's play a game." I suggest while sitting criss-crossed on Emily's bed.

"What type of game?" Liam asks,leaning closer to signal he is curious.

"What if we talk about ourselves,so we can get to know each other.And then later we can talk about your generous donation" I answer Liam.

"Sounds good.So who goes-"Niall started to say but was cut off by Harry.

"I think I'm going to leave now.I'll meet up with you guys later."Harry rudely interrupted and briskly exited the room. His voice cracked.Is he the emotional type?

"What's his problem?" I turned to Louis.

"I don't know.He was fine before you showed up."Louis answered me.

What did I do? Was it something I said? Why was he acting like this? My thoughts are starting to give me a headache.

"Oh" is all i managed to mouth before turning to Niall,signalling for him to go first.


We've been playing this game for the past hour.Each time we share,I feel like I become part of their group and I hope they see me as a friend..I learned that all five boys had auditioned for X Factor as a single act,but were soon put into a group.Liam also told me that Harry thought of their group name:One Direction. Liam even told me why he was also known as "Daddy Directioner",how Niall was in love with food,and that Zayn is self-obsessed. Louis was the party animal-always doing something crazy,or pranking others. They insisted that I share something about myself so I told them about what I saw before I awoke from my recent coma.

As I retold my story,their expressions changed from laughing happily,to sad.It looked like they were trying to pity me,but I don't need their pity.I really wish Harry were here so we could get to know each other more.I still have a major crush on him,even though Zayn seems to be warming up to me.Although have to admit,Zayn is very attractive.His muscles can be seen from the tight plaid shirt that he is wearing,and he has a fantastic body.Even his smile can send you overboard.We just finished sharing because I don't remember much.

I really wish my memory would kick in soon.The doctor informed me that it could come back anytime within a month,a year,or even never.I shuddered at the thought of not ever being able to remember.All of my memories since I was young.Gone.Everything, gone. I push that thought to the back of my mind,and try to focus on the conversation going on in front of me.

"But I'm hungry!" Niall whined,laying his head on Louis's lap.Louis chuckled while stroking Niall's hair.

"Why don't we go grab a bite to eat at the pizza shop down the street?"Liam suggested.What I also loved about Liam was how he was so smart and caring at the same time.

"Yeah.Sounds good to me."Louis agreed.

"Yay!Pizza!"Niall screamed,bouncing off the couch and running towards the door,scaring Louis in the process.

"Julie,why don't you come along?"Zayn asked,also getting off the couch and walking over to me and Emily.Emily had fallen asleep a while ago,her light snores filling the room.

"I don't know if I should go or not."I answered,my stomach beginning to growl.

Zayn chuckled at the sounds my stomach were making as he grabbed my wrist.

"Come on.I know you're hungry."

I smiled,giving in to his offer.I placed a small kiss onto Emily's forehead,as we left the room,and made our way out of the stuffy hospital.


Louis pulled into the parking lot of the pizza shop,and we all hopped out of the car.There were hardly any cars on the road,and I noticed that there was only a single car in the parking lot,besides ours.Zayn wrapped his arm around my waist,pulling me closer to him as we walked up the sidewalk to the entrance.The door opened before us,and I immediately notice the person walking out.

Harry stood before us,with bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks.His curls were a mess across his forehead and his nose was runny.For some reason,I felt a pang lf guilt as I noticed Zayn's arm still loosely hanging around my body.Before I could talk to Harry he ran towards his car,hopped in,and then he was gone.I watched the car take off down the road until he could no longer be seen.

A single tear hit my cheeks,but Zayn was quick to catch it with the pad of his thumb before it fell to the ground,as we entered the restraunt.

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