Chapter 6.

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I didn't wake up to my alarm clock.Instead,my body seemed to wake up on its own.I rolled over to the other side of my bed to check the time- 6:15.I woke up fifteen minutes earlier than usual,so I decided to use my extra time wisely and take a relaxing shower using the bathroom that was connected to my room.

I stripped myself of my clothing,and turned the shower on.I sat on the tiled floor of my bathroom,the cold tiles sending a chill through my body when they came in contact with my bum.I waited for the water to become steamy hot,and then jumped in.

The hot water soothed me.Even though I don't feel ant stress or pain,the water relaxed my confused thoughts.I let the water soak my hair before applying my orange scented shampoo and conditioner.I scrubbed my body with my mint body wash and washed my face with an exfoliator.I changed the temperature of the water from boiling hot to freezing cold and rinsed the soap suds off of my body.

Turning off the shower,I grabbed my fluffy white towel from the rack and began to dry myself off.The water vapor in the air made the bathroom humid,and the mirror was fogged up. I wrapped the towel around my body and walked into my room,leaving the door open-hoping the mirrors would clear up so I could finish getting ready.

I decided on a cleaner look today rather than what I looked like yesterday.I picked out a pair of dark blue,hi-waisted skinny jeans.Then I walk over to the floor length mirror hanging on my wall by the door.

I'm very self-consious of my body because I don't have a flat or toned stomach like most girls these days,but I'm not overweight for my age-which I am glad about.

I'm even self-consious about my figure because I don't have a perfect hourglass shape,I don't have a very large chest,even my bum is hopeless.This is why I can never see myself as beautiful-I don't have a beautiful body.

I try to mentally throw the negative thoughts away,but instead they find their way into the recylce bin-waiting to be reused,waiting for me to look at my appearance once again.

I put on a pair of pink panties and pulled on my jeans.I pink up my phone laying on the nightstand,checking the time before stuffing it into my back pocket-6:45.

Walking over to the dresser,I nearly tripped over my own feet,but was saved by the dresser.I grabbed onto it for support,stood completely up, and pulled out a matching bra.Looking through my closet,I saw my pink tank top with floral designs and pulled it over my head.I ran a brown belt through the loops of my jeans,and to finish the look,I put on my brown combat boots.

I entered my bathroom,the mirror almost completely clear,and began to blow dry my hair.After drying and combing through my  wavy hair,I braided it into a side fishtail.My make-up only consisted of some mascara,eye liner,and lip gloss.I finished putting on my face and my stomach began to rumble.It sounded like an earthquake was taking place right inside of my body. I made my way down the stairs after grabbing my matching brown leather jacket and the car keys.

I searched the refridgerator,preparing the usual:cereal.Gathering the chocolate milk and my honey nut cheerios,I made myself breakfast.I took a seat at the table and turned on the television,looking for the channel that showed Spongebob Squarepants.

While flipping through the channels,I find a talk show starring Ellen Degeneres.

"Welcome back.I'm having a wonderful time here in London and I am so glad that I am able to host my show here for a couple weeks!"

The audience was clapping and whistling in the background.

"Over the next couple weeks,we will be interviewing a few of my favorites,The Wanted,Cher Lloyd and One Direction!"

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