Chapter 19.

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We were so close to kissing.  If Louis hadn't interrupted, my legs would currently be wrapped around that sexy god-like body, his hands would be trailing over restricted areas,  our tongues would caress each other's mouths. I don't know how far I would've allowed it to go.

I'm not ready for it to go any further. Would I let Zayn be my first? Have I already had my first? I sure hope I haven't- forgetting your first is just as bad as forgetting your name.

What the hell am I thinking? Zayn and I couldn't possibly do that. I'm not even sure if I really do like Zayn like that. We've never shared a kiss. We aren't even a couple... but what if we were? What if Zayn asked me to be his girlfriend? Just think of all the things I could do to that boy- the possibilities are endless.

"Julie?" I'm snapped out of my oncoming inappropriate thoughts by a waving hand.

"Huh?" I shake my head, clearly the interesting images.

"I said, 'What would you like to eat?'" Zayn tells me again.

"Oh, um. Just a uh..." I fumble in confusion."Where are we?"

"McDonalds." Ugh. Great. More fastfood so I can get fat.

You already are. The demon inside tells me. I ignore her comment, but I know I shouldn't.

"Oh. Okay. A BigMac, medium fries, and medium sweet tea." I let him know before joining the others at a large table.

I sit right beside Emily who sits by Niall.  Looking across the table, Liam and Carly are engaged in a conversation. Louis and Harry sit across from us, talking about nonsense. Harry smiles and his dimples become noticeable as they cave into his cheeks.

While they talk, I notice a habit that Harry has: looking at lips. When someone speaks, he stares at their lips, rather than looking at their eyes.

I love the quote:

"The eyes are the windows to the soul"

It has so much depth and truth to it.

He runs his hand through his hair, and folds them back onto the table. His muscles show through his tee shirt and I squirm in my seat, knowing that his appearance alone can make me feel something. Why do all these boys have to be so damn attractive?

Louis leans into Harry and whispers something into his ear. As soon as he does that, the dimples fill back in and he slowly moves his gaze up from his hands on the table to my own eyes. It's like we're in a staring contest. His green irises burn holes into my hazel ones. I look away uncomfortably, seeing as I had been caught staring.

Zayn finally appears with all of our food and I feel a little less awkward now that he is here. I'm guessing he could feel my tension because he ran his hand up and down my back, making me feel more comfortable. His hand then trails down to my thigh, which he massages with his long fingers.

I sink my teeth into the burger, knowing I'm going to regret this later on. It only takes me about five minutes to finish devouring the entire burger and half of my fries. Wiping my mouth, I notice I'm the only one who is almost finished with the meal. I don't feel the slightest bit full so I sneak some of Emily's fries.

I feel a tug on my leather jacket so I take a glimpse at Emily. I steal another one of her fries before realizing what she's trying to tell me. She rolls her eyes over to Harry and back to me and points underneath the table.

When I finally understand what she's hinting at, I pretend to look at our surroundings so I don't look too suspicious. Sure enough, Harry is still staring right at me as if he's frozen in place. He hasn't taken a single bite from his burger and it's starting to creep me out.

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