Chapter 17.

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What in the actual fuck did I do wrong? What did I say that made her go all ape shit on me? Is she bipolar?

I can't help but think about what I possibly did wrong. Maybe I shouldn't have pushed the conversation. Maybe I shouldn't have pitied her, but I can't help it. I've never met someone so broken in my life.

How could John and those other boys be such jackasses? I never knew they were friends; Julie and John that is. I know I should have told her but these words never seemed to find a place to fit into our conversation: I know John. We go to the same high school and we have a few classes together. We were once friends, until he did something I will never be able to forgive him for.

Julie and I may have just met, but I'm worried about her now. If she gets that pissed over our small conversation, she'll explode when she finds out what John has done-and what he is capable of doing.



"Thank you so much Carly. This will mean so much to her." I thank her. She had to pull a lot of strings to allow Emily out of this cold, lifeless facility for a whole week.

"I would do anything for Julie and you five cuties." Carly winks and pinches my cheek. "I'm glad I could help. Wish I could be there to see Julie's reaction. Even though it's only temporary, I know shel be thrilled.

I look behind my shoulders to the boys -and Emily who towers above us all on Niall's shoulders- who are all nodding as if to say "Invite her."

"Why don't you come along? You could ride with us."

"I don't know...I have to stay here and do my job. I'm already crossing a huge line here...." she drags her words.

"Come on. You're going with us." I demand jokingly. She looks at the ceiling as if she's debating whether to join.

"Well, if you insist." she gives in, just like we all  knew she would. "Just to let you know, if I get in trouble, I'm saying I was forced." she points her finger at us.

"This is my fourth break today and it's only six o'clock."

"And we will gladly take the blame." Niall responds with a chuckling Emily above him. Her laugh isn't like one I've ever heard. Her laugh is joyous and bubbly and fills everyone's heart to the brim with love.



"I was scared-so scared Julie.I was afraid I would never see you again.But it haunted me to know that the last conversation we had,could of been that argument" John had said.

"Sweetie, none of this is your fault.How can it be? You're not the one who put yourself into a coma .You're not purposely letting your body fail on you. You're not messed up,you just  need some help starting over" Mom had said.

"Julie, I'm sorry." Connor had tried to say before I cut him off.

Twenty minutes. I have sat in this damn Mercedes-Benz for an eternity, mocking all the pitiful words and conversations that have been thrown at me in such a short period of time with disgusting faces and profanity filled responses.

Why is it that everytime I meet someone new it is in some type of restraunt? My relationships with those people have yet to prove their true potential in my life, so why do I even bother going out anymore?

Stop with all these questions. You've been asking way too many lately.

My subconscious speaks.

"Well, if I could actually live a normal life then I wouldn't have to worry about that, now would I?" I sass out-loud to myself, never earning a response.

What has gotten into me? Must be that time of month.

I drown out the majority of my thoughts with opera music. I hate opera music. This way I can focus more on the terrible music itself. My ridiculous attempt of distraction was disrupted by a loud ringing: Mom

"Hey Mum! I'm glad you called! I've been thinking about this weekend and I-"

"Hey sweety. I'm sorry, but we can't do "Mother-Daughter Day" this weekend. My boss is sending me out of town to work on a new story. I should be back Tuesday night."

"Oh. Okay." I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

"I really am sorry. We'll do something next weekend alright? Please take care of yourself Julie. I left some money in your room for you if you need it, and dinner is in the fridge. I already cooked it, just heat it up."

"Okay Mum. Thanks. Have a good trip. Bring me back something?" I feel like crying, but what's the point?

"Of course I will! See you soon, love you!"Mum says a little too excitedly.

"Love you too." I whisper before hanging up. Maybe if I take a nap, my mind will clear up; along with my emotions.

Opening the front door, I am met with the same five pairs of eyes I encountered once before unexpectedly. Except this time, it wasn't the fact that a world renown boyband stood in my prescence, but the fact that my baby girl was standing there too;and she looked as beautiful as ever with her wide smile and bright eyes.


1,000 reads!?!??!?! This is crazy! I can't believe that Gone has 1,000 reads. Thank you guys so much, it really does mean a lot to me. Don't forget to vote, comment, share, follow, fan- and whatever else ya'll can think of!

ILYASM! Happy Fourth of July! ♥

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