Chapter 20.

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Julie's reaction to seeing Emily away from the hospital was heart warming. Taking Emily out was my idea since we met her, but I'd bet that Zayn told Julie it was his idea all along just to try and impress her.

I talked to Carly the day after so she could plan this ahead of time, hoping Emily's family would be glad to have her home for a short time- but I never expected Emily to have a volunteer helping her.

Julie looks a lot happier and more relaxed since she got home. I feel proud of myself because I was able to affect her in a positive way. She's happy because of me. I can't screw this up with Julie. Every girl I've known before has thought that I had ruined their lives. If that's true, I'm trying to change.

"Hey Harry?" Louis gets my attention.

"Yeah?" I ask. Ever since we met Julie, Louis and I have been hanging out more than we usually have in the past. I actually feel a lot better around Louis. I can tell him things that I wouldn't feel comfortable telling the other guys. Sometimes it feels as if he knows more about me than I do myself.

"Are you feeling alright? You've been awfully quiet since we left rehearsal. I know you must feel uncomfortable about this situation, but just try and make the best of it. I know Zayn isn't making it much easier for you to deal with." Louis says quietly, but still loud enough for anyone that is sitting at our table to hear.

He doesn't even mention to me that Zayn was undoubtedly sucking Julie's face off in the other room while I was oblivious to the fact that he had snuck away with her.

His intentions are never good, and if she ever found out what he had done to the last one, she'll never look at him the same again. I still can't and we used to be best mates.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about everything that's going on. I really don't know what to do Lou." I tell him, sighing and running a hand through my hair, tugging on the roots in frustration.

"You'll figure it out. Trust me." he pats me on the back and our conversation ends just as Julie takes a seat across from me. To avoid having a coversation with Julie, I start up another one with Louis.

"I can't wait until we start this next tour. It's going to be amazing." I say, hoping he will answer.

"Me too, I'm so excited to see all of our fans. Can you believe how many people show up just to see us? It's crazy really. I remember us back on X Factor, when we were worried about losing the competition, having to leave, and breaking up as a band. Now, look where we are. Still together, touring the world. It can't get much better than this.

I smile, knowing how crazy our lives have become. Over time, it's become easier to spot our fans. I can tell a few of them are sitting in this very restraunt because of how they act. They sit there, mostly staring and taking photos. I love my fans to death, but I love the respectful fans even more. No screaming, no threats, no hate, no crowding, no begging. Just calm, generous, and understanding- which you don't find too often.

They look my way and wave, which I return with a dimpled smile. Louis starts talking about our food fight earlier today.

I look at his lips while he speaks, watching the words they form. Running my hands through my hair again out of habit, I fold them on the table and get comfortable. Julie hasn't attempted to get my attention at all, and I mentally thank her for that. We haven't really talked yet and I don't plan on starting now.

Louis stops mid-sentence and leans in, speaking in a hushed, worried tone. "Looks like someone's crushing on you." Picking my head up, I see who he is talking about: Julie.

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