Chapter 2.

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I want to thank and give a shoutout to meloniexx for voting and commenting on my story.Thank you so much because you were my first.



I was blinded by the brightness as I slowly opened my eyes.

"Where am I?" I asked myself.

I look down to find myself lying in a small bed, with thin white blankets clinging onto my body.

Panic rises in me as I notice several tubes transporting fluids into my body. The thought of being awake while being poked with needles makes me shudder.

The fluids continue to flow at a steady pace as I observe the heart monitor to my right. The way the lines rise and fall reminds me of a rollercoaster. Life has its ups and its downs- a beginning and an end- but most importantly, it's an adventure. 

My eyes wander around the small room. The walls are a pale white with a few paintings of flowers and the ocean.

One painting that is hanging by the door has a quote saying:

"That which does not kill us makes us stronger -Friedrich Nietzsche"

As I look to the left of me, I notice the couch is occupied and the television is on.

I hadn't seen the person sitting there. She is curled up into a ball, with a blanket draped around her shoulders, as her dark brown curls cascade around her face.

She lightly snores and that is when I thought I recognized the woman who was slumbering: Mom? Happiness seemed to take over my body as I propped myself up onto my elbows.

"Mom?" I whispered, my voice cracking. My throat felt dry and rough as if I haven't spoken in forever. I coughed, trying to clear my throat but it came out as a cchoking sound. "Mum" I whispered louder; revealing my slight British accent. The only reaction I got from her was a slight move of her body, falling deeper into the couch.

Frustrated, I looked at the contents of the nightstand to my left- a glass of water, a flower vase, and a box of tissues.

Reaching with my left hand to grab the glass of water, I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I slowly raise my arm, only to see it is swallowed in a red cast. Investigating the cast, I find a few notes.

"Hope you feel better. Love you"


"Wake up soon Sleeping Beauty. We've got a lot of talking and twerking to catch up on! Miss you bestie. Love ya!"


"Love you sweety"


From what was written, it sounded like me and this Veronica chick were best friends. I still have no idea who John is. Maybe my boyfriend? No, who would date me?

There were also a couple signatures - Mark and Nathaniel. Why would these people write such nice things? Was I really liked by other people? I dont think I was ever the "popular girl." I'm pretty sure I was always in the background, but who knows?

My thoughts were interrupted as the door knob turned, and a nurse in a black uniform appeared. Her nametag rea "Beatrice Rich."

She didnt take much note on my awaken state until our eyes met. Her icy blue eyes widened and her jaw seemed to hit the floor along with the plate of hospital food and glass of water she had brought in.

A loud crashing sound echoed around the small room, amplifing it.Out of the corner of my eye, the woman shot up from the couch.

Turning to look at her, I was given the same reaction as the nurse. My hazel eyes locked with her stunning green ones. I took this chance to take in the features of her face.

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