Chapter 10.

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The light breeze tickled my skin,causing goosebumps to rise on my arms.My hair flowed in the wind as we walked side by side in silence.We left the park and took our time walking down the sidewalk towards our destination.

After hanging out at the park,I asked if we could take a walk.I was still trying my best to remember what was happening to me.I glanced over at John to see him deep in thought.I nudged him with my elbow,his head snapping up to meet me.

"What's going through your mind?"I asked.

He ponders about it before responding with "I was just thinking about what we could do in the woods."

My mouth forms a o and I look back at the concrete beneath my feet,silence falling between us.The sidewalk soon ends and I'm greeted with fresh,green grass.

I bend down and take off my sandals,leaving them on the sidewalk.The grass is spongy like a foam matress.We walk further in,hoping that the deeper we go,the more animals we'll spot.

The tall,skinny trees protect us from the sun's heat.The breeze funnels through the trees,becoming slightly cooler and more powerful.

Hopping near a fallen tree trunk, two bunnies rest underneath.I nudge John again and hold a finger to my lips.

Silently,I tip toe behind the bunnies,being careful not to startle them.Now only being a foot away,I walked towards my left so they can see me.

One bunny snaps its head towards me and scrunches its nose.I kneel down on to the plump grass and sit on my legs,holding out my hand.

I examine the bunnies while they decide on whether to trust me or not.The first bunny is a dark gray with small black spots around its body.One of the eyes is also surrounded with a black spot.

The second bunny is a beautiful cream color-almost like caramel- with a white tail and ears darker than the body.This was the bunny that was slowly hopping towards me.

It sniffed my hands and jumped into them.I held the bunny with one hand and stroked its back with the other.

John walked over and knelt beside me,allowing the other bunny to do the same.His brown hair was laid across his forehead and a smile grew on his face when his bunny curled up into a ball.

"It really likes you."He said to me.

"It looks like your's does to."I smie.

"So I've always loved animals?"I wonder.

"As far as I know,yes."he answered.

"Can we name them?"I ask excitedly.

"Sure.How about name this one Dusty."He tells me.I giggle at his name and nod.

"And this one will be named...hmm"I think until I finally come up with one,and put my index finder on my chin."Caramel!"I whisper-yell,trying not to scare them away.

I pull Caramel towards my chest,craddling it like a baby.I was caught by suprise when it raised on its hind legs,and pressed his nose to mine,and then lowered itself back.

John chuckles next to me,and lays Dusty inside the tree trunk for protection.I lay Caramel inside too and watch as they cuddle up with each other.An awe slips past my mouth and I see John smile again.

We continue walking until we get to an area where there are many more animals out in the open.Ducks,deer,birds,and small insects.


The sounds of the talking animals,the rushing wind,and the leaves beneath our feet are the only things to be heard.I take a deep breath and breathe in the fresh air.The scent of the woods fills my lungs and I feel overjoyed.

John and I talked for what felt like hours while strolling through trees.Everything was perfectly fine until John hit a certain topic of conversation:Relationships.

"So how's school?"he asked.Lately,he was always asking me about school.

"Good so far."I told him.My cheeks heated to a light pink as I thought of this one cute boy in my math class.

John turned to me with a serious look on his face."Why are you blushing?"he sternly asked.

"N-no reason."I stuttered,turning away from him.He grabbed my face with his hand and forcefully turned me to face him.

"Don't lie to me!"He raised his voice.His hand that wasn't on my face was clenching and unclenching at his side.His mood changed within a matter of seconds and he was starting to really scare me.

Instantly,all the animals surrounding us scattered into their homes.John had never acted this way towards me.I didn't answer him,but I didn't think I had to after he spoke again.

"I see you've been flirting with Sam.Am I right?"He yelled.How does he know about Sam?

"Y-yes.How did you k-know?"my small voice continued stuttering.He ignores my question and continues to interrogate me.Has he been spying on me?

"Do you like him?"his voice still rising.When I try to move away,he grips my elbow with his other hand.

"Do you!"He spits in my face.I slowly nod,a tear sliding down my cheek.His grip on my elbow tightens and he pushes me up against a tree,trapping me.

"You're hurting me."I whisper.Even if he heard me,he disregarded it.We stood like that,John crushing my body up against the tree trunk.His hot breath fanned against my ear,sending chills down my spine.

"Why are you doing this?"I weakly ask,unsire of the reason myself."What has gotten into you?You've never treated me like this."

His chest continued rising and falling as he spoke.He punched the tree behind me before pulling away from the pain.His knuckles were covered in blood,his hand shaking from the pain.I took off running as he turned his back on me,but abruptly stopped when I heard him shout something.

"Dammit Julie! I like you that's why!"he shouted.I slowly turned around to see him holding his bloody hand.I begin backing up as he speaks,afraid he'll still try and come after me.

"No."he shook his head trying to think it through "I love you Julie!"his screams filled the woods.

I turned and sprintes as fast as I could to create enough distance between us.Looking back,I see John lying on his knees.

I looked forward and passed by the sleeping bunnies we had named earlier-protecting themselved from the outside world.When all I wanted was to protect myself from John.


I shot up in bed,drenched in sweat.Only one thought ran through my mind that scared me:

Was it just a dream,or was it a memory?

(Hey Nuggets! How was it? I liked writing this chapter so I hope you liked it too.Thank you for all your votes and comments and support on this! Just wanted to let you guys know that I love you all and thank you so much if you still read this darn thing Hahah! Oh,I love you guys)

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