Chapter 9.

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Two hours had gone by,by the time I decided to head home.My hand was sore after coloring a muriad of animals.Images of giraffes,dogs,cats,monkeys,cows,pigs,birds,turtles,and any other animal that you could possibly imagine,is imprinted in my head.

John left a little while after meeting Emily.He looked really uncomfortable.The way he never made eye contact with anyone,never said a word,never moved from his position in his chair.

He was texting someone when he abrubtly got up,only muttering a quick goodbye.And like that,he left.He left.After being away from me all this time,he just gets up and leaves without a proper goodbye.Was he bored?Did he not want to hang out with me?Does he have a girlfriend? He never mentioned having a girlfriend.

I push those questions to the back of my mind and make a mental note to talk to him soon to make sure he is okay as I enter the house.I jog upstairs and change into a pink tank top and black sweats,dropping my bag onto my bed.My stomach rumbles and I realize I haven't eaten in a while.I walk downstairs to make dinner,that is until I found Mom doing it herself.

She's standing by the stove in a crisp white long sleeve shirt and a black pencil skirt,using a wooden spoon to stir food in a pan.She must have just gotten home from work a little while ago.She hasn't come out and told me exactly where she works,but I never thought of asking.

"Hey mum."I say.

"Hey darling."she replies,not turning around.

"What are you cooking?"I ask.When she spins around she smiles and motions me over using her hand.

"This used to be your favorite meal when you were little.I don't know if it is anymore,but I thought I would make it for you."Mom informs me.I return a smile and rest my elbows on the counter behind her.

"What is it?"I ask curiously.

"I'm making fried spaghetti the way your Great-Grandmother used to make it.You know how every family has their "own recipe"?Well,this is ours.We also have another one,but I'll make that some other day.When you were younger,I would make it on special occasions.Like when you lost your first tooth,learned to ride your bike,used the loo for the first time..."she chuckled at that last one probably remembering my first time.

She turns around with a large smile,laughs erupting from her mouth.I do the same and start blushing from embarrassment.

"The cutest thing was when you would insist on putting a mint leaf on top of your spaghetti.If I put it on myself,you would get upset and then you wouldn't eat it."she continues laughing.It's crazy to think that I was like that.Then again,little kids are weird creatures.

"Oh Mom."I exhale,my laughter calming."Thank you for fixing this for me.You said you made it for special occasions,so what's going on now?"

She turns back to our supper as she answers,her laughter that was only happening seconds ago,being replaced by a more serious tone.

"There isn't really anything special going on.I just figured that I should try and help you out.I know you're struggling,and it hurts me to see that.Everytime I look at you,I can see your trying.I know how badly you want to remember everything,and it's a terrible feeling to suddenly forget everything that you once knew.But I want you to know that I am always here for you if you need anything.And I mean anything."

I hadn't realized that she made her way across the kitchen and over to me.She looked me straight in the eyes,uncoding my feelings.

I respond with a simple nod,because I know if I try to speak,she'll be answered by tears rather than words.She smiles,kissing me on the forehead and continues cooking.

I pour myself a glass of water and take a seat at the dining table.Are my feelings that noticeable? I feel relieved knowing that I have my Mom's help if I ever need it.

"So how was your day?"she asked.

"It was fine.Same thing I do every other day."I slowly answer.

I decide on telling her about John another day,wanting to leave tonight's conversation focused on her since we haven't talked much.

I mentally face-palm as I remember I haven't even told her about meeting One Direction either.I never told her anything.Instead of telling her more,I ask her about her day.

"Kind of boring at work,but other than that,it's been fine."Mom tells me.She piles food onto a plate for both of us.

"Do you have anything planned for this weekend?"Mom asks,sitting down across from me.She hands me my plate of food,and starts eating.

"I don't think so.I was just going to hang out with Emily for a little while."I tell her.

"Okay well,maybe we could go out this weekend? Have some mum and daughter time?"she suggested.

"I would love to."I respond with a mouthful of noodles.Then I add "Just let me know when."

Mom nods,not wanting to be rude by talking with a mouthful of sauce.The fried spaghetti was amazing.I loved how the sauce and noodles acted as if they were one,slithering down my throat like a snake.The warmth of the sauce making me want more.

After finishing,Mom excused herself to her office,leaving me alone in the dining room.

I clean up our dishes and fix up the downstairs.One thing I have noticed about myself is I like everything clean-but I'm not a clean freak.

After straightening up the house,I brush my teeth and wash my face,then go into my bedroom.Plopping down on my bed I take out my phone,checking the time.It's almost 9:30.My body feels so weak,even when the most work that I've done today is wash the dishes.Even though I have Mum and Emily in my life,I need to get in touch with my actual friends.

I open my contacts on my phone,finally checking out the other nicknames Zayn had entered into my phone:Hazza.Boo Bear.Nialler.

To:Bradford Badboi

Hey!We need to hang out soon! :)

I set my phone down on my lap,waiting for a response.I was startled when my phone started violently vibrating in my lap,causing me to jump.

After my mini heart attack,I pick up my phone,and open the new message.

From:Bradford Badboi

Definitely,Love!How about this Friday?I know it's a while,but we have a really busy schedule with our tour coming up.

My small smile falls with disappointment.Friday is four days away,and I don't have many people to talk to;besides the boys,John,and my mom.

To:Bradford Badboi

Sounds great :) Love the nicknames by the way.

He almost instantly replied.

From:Bradford Badboi

:) See you Friday! xx

To:Bradford Badboi

See you then :)

Sighing,I plug my phone into my charger and walk over to the small nightlight in the corner of my room.It's shaped like a giraffe and I turn it on.

I plop down in bed and turn off the lamp on my bedside table.Pulling the covers up to my chin,I fall asleep knowing my tiny,glowing giraffe will protect me from the dark.

( I apologize sooo much because I have been slacking on updating :(...And I shouldn't be apologizing every single time I update..Ugh I am such a terrible updater.Sorry for the short/boring chapter (I hated writing it because it was just boring) But I didn't want to leave you guys waiting for too long,so I'll try and post the next chapter by Wednesday.Don't forget to vote/comment...ILY My Little Nuggets!)

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