13 || Letters to No One pt.2 (l.m.j.)

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Letters to No One

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Letters to No One


Lauren was stressed.

Okay, fine. She wasn't just stressed. To say the green-eyed girl was would be the understatement of the century. It had been a week since she found the first letter from the anonymous writer and she has yet to find the next one. The Cuban must've read the letter over at least a hundred times, looking for clues that would lead her to the location of the next one. It could be anywhere.

"Lo?" A voice called.

Lauren was lost in thought. She was about forty percent sure that the next one would be in a book, located somewhere in the library. Why would the writer stash it anywhere else but there? It was the only place a janitor wouldn't find it and throw it away, thinking it was trash.


She had searched through the rest of all the Spanish textbooks but found nothing. Since the first one was placed in a book that no one would read, would the next one be in a book everyone would read?

No... that can't be it. If that happened then someone would've found it by then. If the next piece of writing was in a book then it would most likely be in another unread and unpopular one. One that no one would read for fun and one that no one would read even if they were obligated to.


The pale skinned girl snapped to reality, looking at the person that broke them out of their train of thoughts.

"Yeah?" She asked innocently, as if she wasn't just practically ignoring them.

They rolled their eyes, "I called your name at least a hundred times."

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