38 || Friday Nights (lmj ft. djh)

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AU (alternative universe)

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AU (alternative universe)


Y/N's POV:

Why was I here? Why wasn't I at home, curled up in my blankets and surrounded by pillows reading one of my favorite novels? Those are questions that can only be answered with 'I don't fucking know'.

My friends knew that I hated parties and yet they still had the audacity to drag me out of my dorm room and to some stupid college get-together. These were the times where I wish I had a stronger resistance and could say no to my friends.

'It will be fun.' They said.

Yeah, right. Fun for them probably, but not for me.

"Come on, Y/N!" One of my 'friends', Megan, said, handing me a shot of vodka. "Live a little!"

I gave her a very unimpressed, "I don't have to get drunk off my ass to 'live'. I would be perfectly happy sitting in my room, alone."

"Oh please, it's Friday night! How can you not go out on Friday night?" She asked, scoffing a little.

"Quite easily actually," I said. "I do it all the time."

"Yeah, but you're probably miserable." Megan rolled her eyes, flipping her wavy blonde hair to the side.

"You're wrong. I-"

"Megan!" Another voice interrupts me. We both turn to see Katherine, Megan's friend, calling her over. "Come dance with me!"

"Just try and enjoy the night, will you?" The blonde told me. "Or don't, I don't care." She said before waltzing away toward her friend on the dance floor.

I groaned in annoyance at her retreating form but kept my gaze leveled with her backside. She might be a bitch but she had a nice ass. I glanced at the drink in my hands, examining the fluid. I knew that I wasn't going to be able to get back to my dorm room any time soon since Megan was my ride here and she was definitely a party animal.

"Whatever," I muttered to myself before tipping my head back and practically throwing the liquid down my throat. I gulped it down quickly, wincing slightly at the immediate burning of my throat. I might be a shut in but I can still handle my liquor well-enough.

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