46 || Ignorance (abh ft. 5h)

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Requests are still open for this book but probably not for long as I already have a lot. Just say what ever girl(s) you want done and the scenario, smut is allowed. However, just be aware that I won't get to your request quickly but I will get to it as soon as possible.

SUMMARY: Y/N has had feelings stronger than friendship for their friend, Ally, for a while but hasn't acted on them yet for many reasons. One, Ally has just recently come out of a long-term relationship with her boyfriend, Brennan. And two, she has no idea about Y/N's crush, and Y/N doesn't know how Ally will react to it.

* female!reader

WARNING(S): some curse words

WARNING(S): some curse words

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Y/N's POV:

It hurt.

Loving her hurt.

But it also felt so good at the same time.

On one hand, I relished in the feeling of feeling my heartbeat quickening and my chest expanding. But on the other, I hated the sharp pain that punctured my heart and made it drop right down to my feet.

It was all depending on whether or not I was truly taking in the reality of the situation or not.

I've been in love with my best friend, Ally, since the eighth grade. I was the new kid on the block, just moving in the States from Cuba, and she was the one that made me feel welcomed, at home in a completely foreign country. I can still remember the day I met her as if it was just yesterday.

"H-hello." I greeted the lady at the front desk, my voice thick with my Cuban accent. I didn't know much English at the time but I had the basics down. Thank God. "I am Y/N L/N."

The lady looked up at me with an uninterested expression, "You're the new kid?"

"Sí- I mean, um, yes." I said, trying to cover up my slip up.

"Here's your schedule," The woman said, handing me a white piece of paper before shifting her attention back to whatever was so important on her computer screen.

"Gracias,"  I said in a quiet voice before walking out of the office. I looked over the sheet, trying to figure out what all the numbers and letters meant. I could speak English okay, but my reading and writing wasn't the best at the time. I just stood in the hallway, students pushing passed me without a second glance, staring at the paper. If life was a comic, I'm pretty sure I'd have a question mark over my head.  "¿Qué significa esto?" (what does this mean?) I mumbled to myself.

"Excuse me?" A soothing voice said from behind me, causing me to turn around. I'd like to say that I was met by the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen before... but that wouldn't be quite true. Instead, I was met by a bunch of students just pushing by each other. "Would you like some assistance?" The same voice said, only it was from below me. I looked down slightly and was met by an extremely short girl with blonde-ish hair and brown eyes. She was beautiful, to say the least, but really small. She stood almost a foot shorter than my 5'8 frame.

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