37 || 2025

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Dear Living (if there is any left),

As you probably already know, the year is 2025. I'm writing this letter in order to share the information that I've personally gathered up over these years of living in this world. Hopefully, after reading this, you'll have a better understanding of the actuality we live in and how to survive in it.

Here's why our Earth is as fucked up as it is right now:

A couple years back, six years to be exact, scientists contracted a serum that was reputed to cure all kinds of cancer. And it actually did. The first patient that the medicine was experimented on was an unknown female that had stage three lung cancer. After the doctors gave her the shot, the cells that caused the sickness slowly started to disappear. People were saying that it was a miracle sent from God himself. So, the treatment was administered all around the world, people that were dying of the ungodly disease began to get better. The world was a good and happy place.

That is, until the side effects started to occur. No one could predict that such a holy drug could have such cursed outcomes. The people that had gotten the remedy begun to turn into these horrid creatures that seemed to have only one purpose, to kill. The infection is passed on through blood on blood contact, meaning that if your blood gets in contact with their's, you're infected. The infection process is painful and slow, as it occurs over the span of seven days, each day having a different stage.

The following are the stages that one undergoes during "the change" and how I classify them:

The first stage: skin.

The first thing that gets effected is a person's skin. The melanin that colors the organ drains out, causing the infected to turn a sickly shade of white. The time it takes for a person to turn the paper-white varies from one hour to five. This stage doesn't have much pain usually, but there are some rare times where the infected can have a stinging sensation all over their body.

The second stage: eyes.

The second thing that's changed is the color of one's eyes. The pupil and the iris fade away completely, leaving only the white space. Strangely enough, this doesn't cause the person to go blind but instead enhances their vision. During this stage, it's said that people have the same pain that one would have with dry eyes.

The third stage: hearing.

In this stage, the hearing slips away. Yes, the creatures are completely and utterly deaf. However, before a person's hearing is taken away, it's intensified to an inhuman level where the fluttering of butterfly wings are too loud. Though this only happens for a couple of minutes, it's extremely painful to the person as it's described to feel like someone's ripping off your ears.

The fourth stage: internal suffering and bleeding.

A stage that caused the infected to have pains shoot out through their body. It started with just a sharp pain that started right under the rib cage before it spread fully throughout the body. The pain would start off as just a nagging buzz but then would intensify to an unbearable extent. It would last for most of the day, varying between twelve and eighteen hours. The pain would be so bad it would usually leave the person to be immobile. In some cases, near the end of the stage, the infected person would start to bleed internally. Blood would fill up in their mouths, forcing them to either spit it out or swallow it.

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