24 || q.p. #22 (a.b.h.)

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q.p. #22


you were standing off on the sidelines, watching your girlfriend pose for photo after photo after photo. she had been at this for nearly three hours now and every time that it seemed like she had enough pictures or that her pictures were flawless (like they always were) the producer always ordered for more. were the pictures of your girlfriend- who was already perfect, mind him, not enough? how could they not be? ally brooke was practically the epiphany of perfection.

what the hell was wrong with this guy?

"alright, guys!" tom, the producer, called out, causing all the members of the crew and your girlfriend turn to look at him. "ten minute break, then we're back at it." he announced, jerking his head to the side, evidently flipping his hair as well.

your eyes narrowed at the man, a scowl set firmly upon your lips. you didn't like him.

"baby!" a voice, that always brightened your day, said from beside you in its usual cheery tone. you felt arms wrap around your side and a small body collide with yours. "hi!"

the first genuine smile in a couple hours graced your lips. your arms instinctively wrapped around the person's body, holding them tightly. you already knew who it was, even without looking. you turned your head towards them and looked down a little since she was shorter than you. "hey baby! how are you feeling?"

the girl you'd fallen in love with yawned cutely, nuzzling her face into you, making your smile grow bigger. "i'm fine," she said, her voice coming out a bit muffled. "just a bit tired."

you nodded, understanding what she meant. "well, you have been at this for twenty hours."

ally slapped your arm lightly, "it's only been three, stop over exaggerating."

"it feels like more!" you complained, pulling the smaller framed woman closer.  "all i wanna do is go home, lie in the bed, and cuddle all day long. but noooo. instead, we're here at this random house, having to listen to a guy that is such a b-"

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