storylines and things that make me cringe pt2

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When Y/N and Whoever Are Together But Then Whoever Breaks Their Heart, But Then Get Back Together Immediately After A Simple "Sorry":

Out of everything, I think this one is maybe my biggest pet peeves. Like, I get that happy ending make the reader happy, I do. Hell, I'm always glad to get a happy ending when I read fanfics.

But, what I don't like is when the two people are together and one does something really wrong and then after one measely apology, they're back together as if nothing ever happened. It's just not realistic. And I have a preference on keeping things realistic, even in fictional things. I try to keep all my imagines as real as possible.


No Spaces:

Another huge annoyance I have with some people's writing is when there is literally only one paragraph for one whole chapter. It just makes it really hard to read for me, even if the grammar is fine and there's a good plot.

Here's an example, I'll use Dinah and Normani:

Dinah's POV:

Mani and I were getting ready to go on stage and perform when I realize that my dress is ripped in the back, therefore showing everything. "Oh no!" I screech, immediately covering my backside. Normani runs over to me, a concerned expression on her face. "What's wrong, Dinah?" She asks. "My dress is ripped," I inform her with a panicked tone. "I'll call Will!" She says, bringing out her phone.

Yeah... it's just so messy and unorganized.


High School Crush Scenarios Where Lauren Is The Popular/Badass Queen Bee And Y/N Is The Nerd:

I personally just find the storyline so overused, y'know? I mean, don't get me wrong, there are some marvelous stories out there with this plot... but it's still just so common to find.

Here's the breakdown of it in simple terms so you don't have to read through some 50 chaptered book that will just be the same as any other:

· Y/N is unpopular but loves Lauren who is popular
· The two meet face to face for the first time and it's obvious Lauren likes Y/N back but doesn't admit it because of her reputation
· Conflict, oh no!
· Conflict is resolved
· Y/N and Lauren end up together
· The End

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