47 || Just A One Night Stand? (km ft. 5h)

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Ah yes, my dirty-minded children, your smut has arrived finally. I do hope it's better than the last.

Also, if you don't like Keana, then please don't comment anything about you disliking her. Like, I really don't care. I apologize if that comes off as rude but I really don't need you saying all the things you hate about her. I, personally, like her and think she's pretty cool.

Take it from the famous quote here: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

SUMMARY: Y/N and her close friends have rented out a house near the beach to celebrate their senior week. During one of their night parties, things get a little to rowdy for Y/N causing her to step out in the backyard. There, she sees a certain brunette already out there. The two strike up a conversation and an undeniable connection grows between them. One thing leads to another and they pass the point of no return with each other. But is it just a one night stand?

° AU
° g!p you
° in dedication to Heda_Liv

WARNING(S): smut, coarse language

WARNING(S): smut, coarse language

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Y/N's POV:

"Right, so... I think we all already know this but I'm going to say it anyways because I can and I do what I want," Lauren started, but paused in order to have her dramatic effect. "Senior week is about to be lit as fuuuuu- Ow!"

"Watch your mouth!" Ally scolded the green-eyed Cuban, her hand still in the air from smacking Lauren on the back of the head.

"Jeez, Ally..." The brunette said, rubbing the spot that had just been hit. "You're killing my mood here."

"I'm gonna kill more than your mood if you continue to act like this, Lauren Michelle Jauregui Morgado!"

"Ooooo!" Dinah mumbled from the side, causing me to crack a smile. "She pulled out the full name! When she does that, you know you're in trouble!"

"Dinah, hush!" Normani, the Polynesian's daughter hissed into the girl's ear. "You don't want Ally's wrath directed towards you, do you?"

"How did you even know my full name?" Lauren complained, not liking it being used.

"Your mother told me." The short Texan replied, as if it were the most common thing in the world.


"Yes, she told me to keep an eye on you and that's exactly what I intend to do."

I noticed Lauren give me pleading eyes in the review mirror. I raise an eyebrow at her, giving her the look that said 'don't look at me'. I heard the girl huff. I chuckled a little but kept my eyes on the road ahead of me. I was currently driving us all to the house that we had rented out. I was sat in the front with Ally in the passenger seat. The rest of the girls were squished in the back. I was actually surprised that Ally could reach that far back and manage to make significant contact with Lauren's head. The girl was abnormally small. Okay... not abnormally but she was definitely short.

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