22 || q.p. #4 (l.m.j.)

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q.p. (quote prompt) #4


you were hanging out by your locker, scrolling through your phone mindlessly, not paying much attention to the outside world. your earbuds were in, blocking out all sounds of reality and letting you escape into your own space of mind. the halls of the high school had little students, as it was lunch time, so it was pretty quiet. these were the moments of life that you would die for. it was peaceful, tranquil. nothing seemed to be of worry. it was hard to come by times like these since you were, not to brag, one of the 'popular students' of the school.

but really though, what defined a 'popular student'? the amount of friends one had? the reputation one kept up? the sports one played? the attitude toward other and life one had? what was it that made someone sought after and one avoided to the highest extent?

high school hierarchies made no sense to you. so, you ignored them. some people would say that you challenged the hegemony of cliques.

a small grin and chuckle left your lips as you found a certain text post on instagram. you thought it was quite funny since you had actually sort of laughed at it instead of just blowing a harsh breath of air out of your nose, your lips twitching up a little bit. you were enjoying your time alone, to say the least.

but that was about to be ruined.

"yo!" a familiar voice called.

your eyes closed briefly in annoyance. shit you thought. you didn't want to deal with him right now. you decided to act like that you didn't hear him.

"yo y/n!" the same person said again, although this time they sounded closer. 

you knew he was walking toward you but you still faked that you didn't know he was there. suddenly, one of your earbuds was ripped out of year. it took all the control and patience you had inside of you to not sock him right in the mouth.

"y/n, did you hear me?" he asked, obnoxiously loud.

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