27 || Fighter pt.3 (l.m.j.)

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I am a fighter and I
I ain't goin' stop
There is no turning back
I've had enough

Was I sorry that I had broken Brad's nose? You'd think I'd say no, wouldn't you? After all, he was with my girlfriend. But no, you're wrong. I did feel sorry. That is... when I found out the real reason behind why Brad and Lauren were hanging out alone, even when there weren't the prying eyes of the public.

It turns out that Brad had only made that advance because Lauren hadn't told him about me. Nope, you heard that right. Brad had no idea I even existed, let alone be dating Lauren.

Three Years Ago: Surprise Visit


"Y/N!" I heard Camila shout from behind me in slight horror.

Brad fell to the ground, his hands covering his nose. He hit the floor with a loud thump and a pained groan escaping his mouth.

I stood above him, "That's what you get you fucking bastard! How dare you make a move on my girlfriend!"

All I received in reply from the boy was a whimper in fear. He curled up into himself, getting into the 'koala' position.

"What the hell- Y/N!" Lauren abruptly stopped herself when she saw me standing there.

My eyes snapped up to her. I felt fury running through my body as I glared at her, "I should be the one asking that, Lauren." I spat out. "Just what the hell were you doing with Brad alone when you only have to be fake dating?"

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