23 || Homecoming (l.m.j.)

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requested by PanicAtTheWhoz

"hey there, baby girl," charlie cooed to his daughter, picking her up from her crib, waking her from her slumber. he was dressed in his work clothes and his hair was slightly messy from the long day. he had already paid the babysitter and sent them home.

"papa?" three year old y/n mumbled out, rubbing her eyes in the process. she slowly opened them, revealing her two differently colored eyes. y/n was born with heterochromia iridium, leaving one of her right eye brown, resembling her father, and her left eyes emerald green, resembling her mother.

"i'm here, baby," charlie said, patting his child's back comfortingly. "how are you doing?"

a small smile spread across y/n's lips, as she was still tired but was happy. "good!"

charlie grinned widely, internally 'aw'ing at his daughter. she truly was one of the best things that ever happened to him. it was y/n and his wife that he cherished most in life. "wanna eat some food?" he asked, figuring that y/n must be hungry after her two hour nap.

instead of answering with the very few words she had in her vocabulary so far, y/n just squealed in delight, nodding. the mention of food seemed to wake her up right quick.

her father threw his head back and laughed at her antics, "just like your mother."

"momma?" y/n questioned, perking up at the word 'mother'. "where?"

"she's still on tour, baby. she'll be back soon though, okay? i promise." charlie said. "now, let's go get you some food."

the male carried y/n down the stairs and into the kitchen, setting her down in her high chair and tying a bib around her.

"what do you want to eat, hmm?" he asked, walking to the cupboard that held the stash of baby food and opening it. "peas and carrots? banana and pears? green beans and zucchini? broccoli and cheese? how about onions and mushrooms?"

"ick!" y/n sounded out at the word 'mushrooms'.

the man chuckled, turning around briefly to face her. "same here, baby. papa doesn't really like mushrooms either." he then turned back around to the display of mashed foods, about to read off more labels but was interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell. charlie faced the direction of the front door, confusion on his face. "who could that be?" he paused for a brief second, thinking. "oh gosh, i hope it's not the neighbors again. i already dealt with them." the male heaved a sigh before walking to y/n. "papa will be right back, okay?"

"bye-bye!" y/n gurgled, biting at her fingers.

charlie ruffled her hair before heading toward the door to answer it.


"yeah, yeah! i'm coming." he said as it rang again. "sheesh." charlie opened the door when he got there, "look, if this is about the fence thing again then-" he abruptly cut himself off when he saw who was standing there.

the woman in front of him, offered him a dazzling smile that still managed to make his heart melt, even after so many years. her green eyes seemed to shine brighter than the sun, her skin glowing. "no, it's not about the fence, although we must get that fixed. it's quite hideous if i do say so myself."

charlie, still in shock, just stared at the woman, his mouth agape and his eyes wide. he was speechless.

"uhh... hello?" she said, waving her hand that wasn't holding her suitcase in front of his face.

that seemed to snap the man out of his trance, "oh my god! lauren?!"

the raven black haired girl smiled, "hey, husband. i'm home."

without saying anything in reply, charlie just wrapped lauren up in a huge hug, tightly squeezing her body against his. he breathed in the scent that he hadn't smelt in so long and held the body he hadn't felt in so long.

"god, i missed you so much." he breathed out in her neck.

"i missed you too," lauren muttered against his.

"food!" a young voice from inside the house exclaimed, breaking the two lovers apart. "papa, food!"

"is... is that y/n?" lauren asked shakily, tears coming to her eyes at the sound of her daughter. she hadn't seen her in close to a year.

"that's our baby," charlie affirmed.

"s-she can speak now?"

"only little bits of pieces here and there."

when lauren had left, y/n wasn't able to speak a word yet. the baby could only make sounds. the doctors said that y/n wouldn't be able to form words until she was five, possibly six.

"go on, laur." charlie nudged his wife, encouraging her. "go see her."

"b-but what if she doesn't like me? what if she doesn't remember me? i've been gone for so long. what if-"

"lauren!" charlie interrupted her rambling. "you're her mother. she loves you and she does remember you. she misses you. a lot."

the green eyed woman sighed heavily, running a hand through her hair. she nodded slowly, "okay, i'm going in. do i look okay?"

a laugh erupted from her husband, "just go in there."

lauren bit her lip nervously but listened to him nevertheless, walking slowly into the house and to the direction of her daughter. when she got there, she stood at the threshold of the room, looking at the back of y/n. y/n was facing away from her, messing around with her bib. she seemed to be eating it.

"b-baby?" lauren called out.

y/n turned around at the sound, the cloth dropping from her mouth. the three year old studied the woman standing there.

the older woman stood there, her turn to the speechless one. she couldn't believe that y/n was right there. right there in front of her. after all this time.

"momma!" y/n squealed loudly, knocking her from her trance like state.

lauren rushed toward her, picking her up from the high chair and wrapping the baby in her embrace. tears fell from her eyes. "i'm right here, baby girl. right here. it's me."

a/n: yay :)

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