30 || How Your First Kiss Went (lmj, cc, abh)

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that would be the word to describe yours and camila's first kiss. not surprisingly enough, it was in a thunderstorm. camila being the romantic she is, and you being the whipped significant other you were, it was the most perfect first kiss anyone could ask for. even though it was extremely cheesy.

"y/n! let's go out in the rain!" camila said enthusiastically, pointing out the window.

you glanced out the glass, hesitance sweeping over your body when you saw the quick flash of light in the sky and the loud boom of thunder. "uhhh... i'm not sure that's a such a great idea, camila."

"come on!" your girlfriend pleaded, giving you her famous puppy dog eyes. "it'll be fun!"

you bit your lip, not noticing camila's quick glance at them as you bite them nervously. "are you sure? i don't want you getting hurt."

"aww," camila cooed, when she shook out of her trance and looked back up at your face. "you worry for me, how sweet."

you opened you mouth to reply but the 5'2 brunette was already out the door, prancing around in the heavy rainfall.

"camila!" you shouted for her from inside.

"come on! it feels great out here!" camila grinned at you, urging you to follow her example.

you heaved a heavy sigh before bracing your body and walking outside to meet your girlfriend.

"this is wild, cam!" you yelled over the nonstop pouring rain.

"wooooohooooo!" the cuban cheered as she raised her hands and ran around the drive way. "stop standing there like a stick in the mud and run around with me!"

you shook your head, chuckling at your girlfriend's antics. she'd be the death of you one day, and you were fine with that. you raised your own hands in the air above your head and ran toward camila, swooping her off her feet and spinning her around. the brown-eyed girl threw her head back and laughed and squealed with glee, her hands holding onto your shoulders.

when you had set her down, your bodies were pressed close to one another's. so close that your noses barely brushed against each other. you were both breathing heavily from your previous actions, and you two just stood there staring into each other's eyes.

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