This is a Warning Bitch!

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   My week was going smoothly. I had nice week end with my two nieces and Jessie. The week was going great.  Thursday the football team was having an away game. Which means Kevin going to be gone all day Thursday. Friday the he was having a party at home. He told me and Romona were more then welcome to come. I wasn't the party type. I wanted to stay home and snuggle in bed and watch movies. Romona said she wanted to go and Kevin looked like he really wanted me to be a part of the party so I agreed. Kevin hasn't been to any parties since I moved in or had any. I guess I can suck it up and do this for him.

 I stood in my gym locker changing for gym class. I went out the basketball court and warmed up with the rest of the girls. Romona sat behind me starching on the floor.

"Why the hell is she looking at you?" Romona whispered. I looked up. Four rows over Amanda was looking at me. She turned her nose up at me and started talking to Rebeca. When did they become friends? Rebeca was just as bitchy as Amanda, but they have never hung out. They are enemy, well were from the looks of things.

"I have no idea." I went on pretending she wasn't looking at me. I could feel her eyes on me. After we warmed up we started to play basketball. When we did Amanda  made it point to push me down as much as she could. Even when I didn't have the ball she found a way to get me down.

"Get down and stay down loser." Amanda said as she shoved me. Got damn it I was sick of her. Why couldn't just leave me alone. I got up off the floor. I walked over to her and shoved he to ground. Amanda got off the ground and pushed me back. I was about to take a swing at her but Coach stepped between us.

"What's your deal miss nobody, you can't handle a basketball game?"  I looked at her.

"My problem is you Amanda!" I was sick of taking her crap.

"Awww baby going to cry." I tried to push passed coach to  get to her but Romona pulled me aside. I sat on the side for the rest of gym. I changed back into my cloths at the end of gym. When I was done I slipped my wedding ring back on. I hated to ever take it off. 

"Just because you two are married. Doesn't mean he wants to you." Amanda hissed at me form the other end of the locker room.

"Fuck you Amanda." I snapped at her.

"I am warning you..."

"No bitch, I am warning you. You fuck with me or my happiness again and I will end you. Fuck off and leave me alone. Your just jealous."

"Who the fuck would be a jealous of you?" Amanda said rolling your eyes at you.

"You little miss i think I am the shit. When really you just smell like it. Just admit  your jealous that Kevin doesn't want you. That we are happy and married and that just fucks with you. You us a favor.....GET OVER YOURSELF BITCH!." I got up and walked out the locker room. It felt good to stand up for myself. 

  Kevin was gone till tomorrow morning. Romona slept over and kept me company. I missed her and her rude attitude. She made me tell her about everything. She told me that she and Andrew having been seeing a lot of each other. So much of each other that thy had slept together. Wow had missed so much in the last two weeks. We did our nails and watched a few movies before Kevin called to check on me. He wanted to make sure I went to bed on time and to tell me they one the game. He called me his good luck charm. I fell asleep listening to Romona talking on the phone with Andrew. Morning came and was ready for school just because Kevin was going to be coming back with the football team. I made sure to put his jersey on and some shorts. I pulled my blue hair up. Romona had calmed Andrew's jersey already. Can't believe she getting serious with him. She wasn't the serious dating type. Andrew must be her type of guy. We made it to school on time. The football team had made there. I hugged Kevin tightly when I saw him waiting at my locker. When I did he moved away fast.

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