The "E" in Ex also stand of Evil

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 I stood in the mirror curling my hair. I had to make sure my hair was perfect today. I wanted to make sure I looked nice today. I didn't know it was Friday already. I didn't want Kevin to made fun of cause I didn't look my best for today's game.  I put some pin in the front so my hair wouldn't be in my face. I was in the middle putting make up on my face Kevin walked in. He had nothing but his boxers on. I said good morning and he said it back. He reached for a towel and started to pull down his boxers. I turned my face.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I shouted. Kevin laughed. 

"Taking a shower." He said it like it was normal.

"I am still in here." I pointed out. I listened as her turned the shower on.

"I needed to take my morning in tradition of every game. Beside, you are my wife." I rolled my eyes. I waited till he w as shower to turn back to the mirror. "Why are putting that crap on your face anyway?"

"It's not crap, I wanted to look nice for the game today." I admitted. 

"That's nice of you. But you don't have to put that crap on your face."  Why did he keep calling it crap? 

"It's not crap Kevin." I took the red lip stick and added to my bottom top lip. I took the darker shade of red. 

"Yes it is, now handle me my towel." I took his towel and covered my eyes. I handed him my towel. "Awwwww that's so cute. But really you don't have to be all nervous about me being necked. It's just a penis." I felt him turn me around. The water shut on then back off. He wiped my entire face.

"No, I worked so hard on my make up." I started to pout.

"You do not need all this crap on your face to be pretty. I like the lip stick but all this other carp has to go. I want to see your natural beautie." I opened my eyes. Kevin smiled at me "No, go get dressed. We have a long day a head of us." I left from the bathroom to my room. I already knew what to wear. I was almost dressed and when Kevin walked in holding a shirt.

"Here." He held up his black and red jersey. He was number twenty-one. I looked at him.

"Your jersey. This was all so new to me. No guy has over given me any article of clothing to wear. First he gave me his sleeping shirt, then his shirt at school. Next came the night gowns. Now he was giving me his jersey. 

"You are giving me you jersey?" I asked.

"Yes, the guys always give there girl there jersey. I want want you to wear it for good luck." I took the jersey from his hand.

"Thank you, I'll take good care of it." I could see this was vary important that I wear.

"No, thank you." He went back into the bathroom. I took of my t-shirt and slipped on her jersey. Like his other shirt, it was big on me. It almost looked like a dress on me. I went and slipped my white converse on. I picked up my back and wen to the living room where he stood waiting.

"How do a look? Do I look excitably for your friends?" Kevin reached and took my hand.

"Who cares, you look pretty to me." He took my hand and we both walked out the door. This was becoming regular behavior for him. We weren't at school, so why was he holding my hand? He didn't have to.

 One our way to school Kevin was in a talking mood. This was first all week we went to school in silence. He didn't  like music while drove to school. I sat in the passenger set looking at my ring. It was such a pretty ring. I wonder which one of us bought the ring. Had to be him I didn't have the money for it

"Can I ask you a personal question?" Last time he asked me that he asked that, the subject of birth control came up.

"Yes." What was he going to say?

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