You Don't Know Me!

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  I was going to be late for class. I can't believe someone stole my shirt in gym class. Wait...I could stuff like this only happened to a girl like me. The wall flower. I rushed down the hall going to Mr. Williams class. I was almost there when I was knocked to the floor. I looked up to see had pushed me. It was her, Amanda Tate. God, I hated her. She was head cheerleader and head bitch at school. I always tried to avoid crossing paths with her, but for some odd reason. Every now and then I run into her, like now.

"Watch where you going fat ass." She snapped at me. I picked myself up. I wasn't fat. I was only 145 pounds.

"Shut the fuck up Amanda she isn't fat." I turned to see Romona. Thank god she came.

"Watch your step pig nose." Amanda walked off from us. Romona looked at me.

"If she remove those tight thugs from her rich butt, she wouldn't  be so up tight." I smiled at her.

"We are going to be late." I pointed out. The late bell sounded off.

  Kevin Clines looked at me. It's been two weeks since Mr. Williams forced us together. We haven't even spoke to each other. At this rate, we will fail. I had to do something. 

"So what is your favorite color." I asked trying to break the ice. He ignored me not sitting there.

"Do you have hobbies outside of sports?" Again he acted like I wasn't there.

"What's your least favorite subject?" He looked at me.

"My least favorite subject  this class. Just because I am stuck with blue haired freak  that looks Marge from the Simpson's." He lashed out on me. It wasn't a cake walk being with him.

"Take it back Kevin Clines." I watched as he grinned in my face.

"Your  a freak with blue hair. That's just who you are. So get in your head, your a nobody. You have freaky blue hair and your fat." 

"Screw you, I rather fail this class the spend one more minute with a jerk like you." I picked up things and walked out of class. I didn't care if I failed. I wasn't going to put up him making fun of me. I hate him. Kevin Clines was an absolute jerk.

 I walked off to the girls bathroom. Amanda are her evil sea of bitches weren't any there. Normally they hang around in there. I went in the stall and closed the toilet led and sat down. God, I was crying. How could I let such horrible person get me. I decided not to hold it in. I cried till someone walked in. I recognized Romona's gray boots. 

"Hailley don't cry. Don't waste your tears on that asshole." I took some tissue and wiped my face.

"He's been making my life hell since we were kids. I wish he would just leave me alone." I touched my hair. I did look like the mom from the Simpson's. Maybe I should just go back to being blond.

"I hate him, you got lucky. You get to work with Eli." She laughed.

"Well it's easy work with him. But I think he has crush on me he keeps stairing at me." I laughed.

"Come on out there before we miss lunch." I opened the stall door and looked at her.

"How about after school you and me go shoping. We can sleep over at my house and watch movies." I smiled at her.

 I had my back turned when I felt someone walk about on me. I didn't bother looking up. I kept my head down in my book. They stood there looking down at me.

"Hailley may I talk to you." I knew it was him with out looking at him. I knew it was Kevin Clien's voice. What did he want? Did one of his friends put him up to did this? Was this a prank? 

"May I sit with you?"

"Whatever, I don't care." He sat down across from me. He sat down with out saying anything. I finally looked at him.

"What do you want Kevin Clines?" I slammed my hands on the table in anger.

"I need your help. I'm not doing good in Mr. William class. And if my F doesn't come up to a C. I'll get put off the football team. Please work with me."

"Fine." I could see football was important to him. "I'll write down questions and give them too you. You and answer them and you do the same for me. That's it, that we want have suffer from being around each other."  He was stairing at me.

"Why did is your hair blue?" He asked me. He was stairing at my hair not me. I stood up preparing to walk off from him again.

"That's something that no one will never know. Now if you excuse me I have more important things to do. But I will tell you this. You don't know me Kevin Clines." 

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