Troubled Waters {1}

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 I walked around the apartment looking for something to do. Where was he? He told me he would be home at  eight. It was now close to midnight and he hasn't even called. I was going to kill him when he got home. I called his phone about seven time but I didn't even answer me. I called his mother's house. She said Kevin hasn't been there all day. That was unlike him not to call if he was going to be late. Normally if he was going to call if he was going to be late. I was hope that something didn't  happen to him. He told me that he wasn't going to be playing poker games anymore. I hope he wasn't there out with who ever he had been playing poker with. I sat on the sofa with Felix. Kevin gave me Felix for Christmas so I wouldn't be lonley when I was at home by myself. Felix was small brown kitten. I needed him if I was going to be home home alone like this. I was going to kill Kevin when ever had made it home. If he wasn't dead now, he was when I got here.  I sat up awake for another hour. I sat with Felix in my lap waiting. I heard Kevin putting his key in the door. I sat my little kitten down on the sofa picked up a pillow. I watched as he tried to come in the house silently. I threw the pillow as hard as I could. I managed to hit him and knock him back into the wall.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" I've never yelled at Kevin, till now. He never gave me reason too. "I was out with the guys babe." I looked at him.   "Look at you, look at your cloths. You got into another fight again. Your lying to me Kevin Clines.   "I don't want to talk about right now." He walked passed me putting his keys down.  

"No, we are talking about this right now. I am your wife and I want to know what is going on with you right now. You've been acting all odd. What the hell has been going on with you damn it. Your not acting like yourself." Kevin turned and looked at me.

"Look, I lost the last poker game I was end. They thought I was cheating and we got into a fight. I went to this big poker game tonight. I bet over fourteen thousand dollars and I lost. They want me to pay the money and I don't have it."  

"They.....who are they?"  

"The ganster guys that work down town at that gambling bar." I rolled my eyes. I knew who he was talking about. They were bad guys. I was just a little girl when I frist saw them. I was with my father spending time with him at work. We getting something to eat when they walked up to my father asking him did he want to make so extra money. My father said no, but they didn't stop them from trying to appeal to him and get him to do what they want.These guys were bad news.

"KEVIN LEROY CLINES! How could you be so stupid!." My heart started racing. "Do you have any idea what they can do. They came after my father once just so he could do something for him.  My father said no but they kept trying. They knew every thing about my father, where he lived, what he did for a living. Those guys knew EVERTHING. They are going to come after you. They don't bull shit around when it comes to things they want."

"I am going to be okay. Don't worry."

"Don't worry? How the fuck is this going to be okay. You owe them money, and they aren't going to let this go. You got beat up the frist time, so what do think will happpen next time. They aren't going to let this go till they get what they want or intill you are......" I shock my head. I didn't want to think about it.

"Hialley, please clam down. Evey thing will be fine." I started cry. Kevin came closer to me and put his arms around me. I wanted to push him away, but I couldn't. Instead I cried.

"What are we going to about this?" 

"I'll get the money, I'll go to my parents and ask them. I'll sale my car if I have to." I could feel his hands shacking. Kevin started whipping away my tears. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I stepped away from Kevin to go open the door......


Sorry for the short chapter. Trying to upload all stories this weekend.

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