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 I sat up in bed looking in the dark. This didn't feel right. This was the same bed I have slept in for years, but this bad just didn't feel right. Being back home with my parents just didn't feel right to me.  I've know this four walls well but I just couldn't get use to them. I wanted to go home. I wanted my husband. I got out of bed and got dressed for school. I really didn't want to go, but if I didn't I wouldn't get to see his face. I put on jeans and hoodie. Lately I haven't been in the mood to leave home. I wanted to stay curled up in a ball and cry. I went down the hall down the kitchen. Matt was at the table eating. I sat at the table. I was hungry, I didn't feel like eating. 

"Would you like some pancakes?" My father asked. I looked at him.

"No."  Matt looked at me with out saying a word. My brothers and father were the reason I was back home. The day I got out the hospital Kevin let my brothers come and take some of my things. My father yelled at him and yelled super hard. I haven't had the heart to go get the rest of my things.

"You need to eat something, you didn't each much at dinner last night." Felix sat on the floor not touching his cat food. He knew this wasn't our home. 

"I'll eat at school." I got up and went outside. Andrew and Romona picked me up for school. I've been back home for almost  3 months. Andrew and Romona had gotten pretty serious about each. They were the ones that found me and Kevin when we were missing. It was hard to watch them. They were always cuddled up together when ever I spent time with them. They just seemed so lovely dovey and it was just hard to watch. I wanted the same thing, I wanted to be with Kevin. Now that I no longer lived with him we tried not to see each other. It was hard to be near him and not want to cry. We got to school. It was now the start of a long day.

 I saw him five times today in or normal classes and two more times at my locker. Our lockers were right next to each other. Some times he would say hello some times. Our next class was human studies and our end of the year project was due today. The project that brought our worlds together. We closed our lockers at the bell and went off to human studies class. I took my seat next to him. 

"Oh okay class...your end of the year project is dude. I hope you all learned something about your partners. Those of who did not do this project will receive a zero. If you does seem like your really tried I will take off points." Our teacher walked to the back of the class and sat. He took out his clip board and called out the group names. I sat with my head low. It was hard just sitting here and watch other girls make googly eyes at him. Everyone in school knew that I was no longer living with Kevin. I watched as Amanda ended her project come up to Kevin.

"Call me." She said with a smile and a wink. I wanted to kill her.

"He is till married you low life slut." Ramona said loudly for everyone to hear.

"Next we have Kevin Clines and Hialley Clines."  I let Kevin go first. I sat silently. He set up his lap top to the projector. 

"For my project, I was partnered with Hialley. There are those who know her like a sister and good friend. Some many know her as the wired girl with blue hair. Other know her as miss nobody. A label that been stuck with her because if my careless actions. But I know her as Hialley Clines." Kevin clicked to the next picture. A picture of me as a baby.  "Before I came along her name was Hialley Leona A'Gllies. The youngest of two older brothers." He went to a picture from the school year book. 

"This the Hialley you all see every day. The girl that none of you talk to and treat like  crap. The girl I use to make fun of and made her high school years hell. The girl you see isn't who she seems. What you are seeing now is a girl in baggy cloths with blue hair. Cloth that help hide who she really is.  What you see isn't the real Hialley." He clicked to another picture of me. This one was of me with blond hair, the last picture I had ever taken with blond hair. "Now this girl is Hialley." In this picture you could see all my tattoos and my cures in the outfit I had on.  Some of the guys said perverted things. 

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