11. Tango

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"Nice of you to finally bless us with your presence again, dear brother." Ester heard and looked up from her toes.

There he was. Almost a whole week passed since that day he smiled at her. He hasn't been in a single lesson and when Ester had dinner with Sierra and her mom, he was never there either. But tonight he was there, walking towards her... Walking towards her!

Ester widened her eyes and quickly averted them towards the front, where Sierra was instructing an older pair how to get in position for the tango. Yes, the tango. Probably one of the most intimate dances she knew.

When Sierra told her that Devon probably wasn't coming, Ester felt a heavy weight fall from her shoulders. She could never imagine dancing like that with Devon. Well, she could imagine, but she'd rather not.

Anyways, now that he was here, she found it quite difficult to breathe. Literally, she thought as she sniffed the air. His scent was everywhere! That masculine and spicy smell. She wondered what deodorant he was using. Or was it aftershave...maybe perfume? Did men wear perfumes?

"Ester!" She suddenly heard and snapped out of it, looking at Sierra. Around her, the crowd was still dancing and she gulped.
"Yes?" What did she miss?

"Did you hear what I said? Devon is here now. You won't have to sit this one out, isn't that exciting?" Her instructor clapped and then turned towards her brother to talk to him.

Ester didn't listen to them. She was lost in her thoughts. Why was he here? She hoped she'd never have to see him again. Since that day after Mason's party, she had a lot of time to think. Especially after Sierra came home and cursed about how irresponsible Devon was, Ester realized what she'd done.

He was haunting her without even doing anything. Ester was trying her best to prepare for whatever was coming her way. But how could someone prepare for something if they didn't even know what that something was?

"You okay?" She heard and looked towards Sierra with a tight smile.
"Fine." Even to herself, Ester's voice sounded high pitched. But Sierra didn't seem fazed as she simply nodded.

"Good, now position." She got back to being the instructor, making Ester take a deep breath before finally meeting Devon's gaze. He wasn't smiling, but his eyes looked bemused to her. Or was she just hallucinating now?

Ester stepped forward and placed her hand firmly on Devon's upper back. His own arm came under hers as his hand rested on her back. They intertwined their other hands and raised them up to eye level.

"Closer." Sierra ordered and they stepped even closer. Ester's heart picked up speed when his scent surrounded her again. He smelled so good. What was happening? Ester shook her head, annoyed by herself.

"Are you okay?" Devon whispered low enough for only their ears. Ester just nodded, not looking into his eyes but his neck. He chuckled lowly and pulled her even closer without Sierra's instruction.
"You're scared, aren't you?"

"Devon, let her breathe." Sierra snapped and Devon loosened his grip on her.
"Good, now lead her. And Ester just remember the steps I taught you before. Let him lead you first so you can see how it feels." Ester simply nodded at that and did as told.

The fact that Devon could dance all these dances still surprised her. He moved so quick and elegant as if he'd danced all his life. Maybe he has, Ester thought. After all, she knew nothing about him so why not considering that?

"Eye contact, Ester." She heard and almost rolled her eyes. Dancers and their stupid eye contact. But she lifted her gaze to look into his beautiful green eyes. Beautiful? Unique, let's settle on that.

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