16. Roses

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"May I ask for this dance?"

Ester looked up from her purse and smiled at Jake. He was smiling down at her, showing the dimples on his cheeks. Ester straightened her back and took a sip of her water.

"Ballroom hasn't even started yet, Jake." Sie reminded him.
"Well, a gentleman can never ask too early now, can he?" He asked her.
"You're right." Ester played along.

"So? Was that a yes or no?" Jake asked, making Ester look around for Devon. He wasn't here yet, which really didn't surprise her. Most of the time, he came later than he should and thanks to him, Ester always had to wait and was unsure if she even got to dance in the four hours of the lesson. So she didn't even feel remotely sorry when she accepted Jake's offer.

"Yes." She said with a nod and a kind smile on her face. Jake grinned and then nodded back.
"But what about your friend?" Ester continued and Jake shrugged.

"She's not coming tonight. Late shift." He told her.
"Oh, I see. So I'm your second choice." Ester was just joking, but Jake thought she was serious and widened his eyes.
"No! Not at all. I just thought because you're alone too and I'm alone tonight-"

"I was just kidding. I'd love to be your second choice." Ester chuckled and bumped his arm with her shoulder. Everybody seemed so tall compared to her.
"Well, if that's the case. You're the best second choice I've had for a while." He tried.

"Are you flirting with me, Jake?" Ester laughed, enjoying the man's company.
"Is it working?" He rubbed the back of his neck.
"I'm not sure yet." Ester teased and he laughed at that.

Jake was about to say something when Sierra walked in and so the lesson started. They were still dancing the tango, adding new steps each week. Ester thought dancing with Devon was awkward, but dancing with Jake was beyond that.

She just blamed it on herself. She really didn't like to touch others and before Sierra's dance lessons, she even hated exchanging pennies with the cashier in the supermarket. But Ester could practically feel herself getting accustomed to being touchy with others.

"Ester, shoulders higher and back more arched." Sierra instructed and Ester tried her best to do as told. But she just felt like tonight something was off. And that thought got verified every time Sierra corrected her pose.

Jake also wasn't better, but he didn't seem to take it that seriously. Why did Ester even take it seriously? It was just dance, for heaven's sake.

"Great, now you got it Jake. Ester, eye contact." And so she looked up into his grey eyes, admiring their colour for a few moments.
"Good." Was all the instructor said before leaving their side.

Just good. Not splendid or amazing as she often said to her and Devon. But who could blame her, she was probably just praising Devon all the time. Yet, that asshole didn't even come.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked her, causing Ester to snap out of it and smile up at him.
"Of course." She said reassuringly and the man grinned again.

"That's good. I don't think I've ever heard the instructor's voice this often within five minutes. I, for my part think your pose is great." He joked, not noticing Sierra coming their way.
"Well, that's why I'm the instructor an you're the student."

"Oh, uh-" Jake didn't know what to say as he was too shocked to even think. Ester looked at her friend and saw Sierra's emotionless face. She really did change whenever she got into that instructor phase, Ester thought.

"Sorry." Was all Jake came up with, making Sierra nod and then clap her hands.
"Thank you everybody. That was a great round. Take a break." She instructed and the people did take a break whilst Sierra walked away.

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