47. Crowded

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Wear the dress I sent you. We're going out and I'm not accepting a no from you. - Sierra

Ester groaned audibly. Why couldn't Sierra understand? She was worse than her brother. Ester shook her head, trying to free her mind from yet another image of Devon's devastated face when he was begging her to listen to him the other week.

Ester hasn't heard from him in days but Sierra called her every day. Now that they wouldn't see each other as often anymore since Ester called off the dance, Sierra hoped by calling her each day, their friendship would still be as strong as before.

But both knew that wasn't true. They felt the other slip away from them slowly but surely. It seemed like Sierra's fear was justified, seeing it was Devon who caused this. It was all Devon.

Ester read Sierra's message one more time before getting back to work. It was Saturday and Ester was in the middle of reorganizing her room. She heard a knock on her door.

"Reorganizing? Again?" Olivia's voice reached Ester and she stopped to look at her roommate.
"It's a long process." Was her excuse but Olivia just rolled her eyes. She still didn't know the whole story about her friend and Devon but knew this had to stop.

"I wanted to ask if you care to join me for lunch but it seems like you're busy." She said.
"It's fine, I can finish it later." Ester said, realizing she hasn't eaten anything yet. She followed Olivia inside the kitchen and helped set the table.

They ate and held conversation about work and university before going their separate ways again. Ester realized her friendship with Olivia was also getting affected by her mood.

She had to accept things and move on. No more useless reorganizing, no more immersing in work that wasn't even there and no more avoiding confrontation. Especially with Sierra. They did have to talk about what happened.

After all, Sierra probably still didn't know, Ester thought as she picked up her phone and texted her.

Where are we going? - Ester

"I don't think he's going to be there, why?" Sierra asked Ester in return.

"I don't know. Just avoiding another ruined dress." She joked, making Sierra laugh.
"Oh yeah, I remember. Jeremy can be a little clumsy. But he's a nice guy." She told Ester.

"And even though this is Jeremy's place, he's almost never at one of Stacy's parties. He just gives her the place for a night because Stacy still lives with her parents. Her father would kill her if she held a party in the middle of the year for no reason." She continued as the two drove their way to Jeremy's place.

"Really?" Ester didn't think Stacy's father would be able to say no to his daughter. To Ester, Stacy was this typical rich daddy's girl who has never heard a 'no' in her life.
"Yeah. Her dad is hella strict." Sierra shrugged.

Ester nodded and looked out of the window, watching the bypassing mansions. She's never been in this part of the city, so tonight was going to be new to her. And despite the uncomfortable feeling she got when she saw Jeremy again, she was curious to see how he lived. How anybody lived in a mansion like those they were passing.

"And Devon isn't coming either, don't worry. He said he had something to take care of." Sierra told Ester, who inwardly breathed out in relief. She didn't want to ask simply because she was afraid Sierra would demand to know what happened between her and Devon. But up until now his name was never mentioned, much to Ester's satisfaction.

"Oh." Was all she said before Sierra stopped the car. The two stepped out of the car and Ester had to refrain from gasping. The mansion they were parking in front of was enormous. And from the looks of it, it was hella busy.

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