21. Off

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Jake Hayes was a handsome man, Ester had to admit. They've become great friends over the past few weeks. He even asked her out a few days ago. But she declined, knowing she'd never go for someone like him.

He was cute, yes. But he openly told her he was bisexual and Ester found that reason enough to stay friends. She wasn't really into him in the first place, so she didn't even want to try and look past his sexuality. She had nothing against bisexuality, but she always liked masculine men. And Jake seemed to be more on the feminine side, with the way he walked and giggled sometimes.

The girl he was with the first time Ester met him at Sierra's dance class, was his girlfriend. Yes, was. They broke up the day before Jake asked Ester to dance. He even told her the exact reason. Apparently they both weren't feeling it anymore, so it was a mutual break up.

It was weird for Ester to hear him talk that casually about his personal business. Another reason why she wasn't really attracted to him. She preferred men that could keep secrets and were mysterious. Not ones that wore their heart on their sleeves.

Besides that, it irritated her to see how a couple could fall out of love like that. To hear Jake talk about how they both started distancing themselves from one another. Sure, Ester never even had a real boyfriend but she knew she could never be able to just fall out of love like that. At least, she hoped that would never happen to her. She had enough time to pray for that last week when she was sick in bed, trying to figure out who her admirer was.

So, yes Jake Hayes was a man that recently stepped into her life. And because of that, he was also a possible candidate for being her secret admirer. She personally didn't doubt him as much as Devon, but she really wished it wasn't him.

Like she said, they've become good friends over the weeks. And even now when she was looking into his eyes, listening to what he was currently saying, she couldn't get it out of her mind. Was it him? Could Jake really be it?

"Ester?" His face frowned down at her. Ester mentally shook her head and smiled up at him.
"Yes?" She asked him, blinking.
"Are you okay?" He asked her, looking concerned.

"Yes, sure. I'm sorry. I was just thinking about work and such. What were you saying?" She asked him.
"Oh, I was just telling you what you missed last week." Jake said and then continued talking.

Ester tried her best to at least look interested in his words as her mind drifted off again. Something about it being him just didn't seem right at all. Her secret admirer texted way differently than Jake talked.

But maybe that was just part of the plan. To throw her off and not suspect him. She didn't take Jake as an idiot. He'd definitely be smart enough to think about changing his way after he obviously saw Ester wasn't into him at first.

And she's still not into him. But she's starting to like the man she was texting with. He was so respectful and really wanted to hear how she felt every day. And he wouldn't accept short answers, which only made her feel even more special.

And when she was sick, he sent her chocolate and more roses. This time, they were white. Olivia then told her it was getting serious and that she had to ask for a meeting. The first time she'd see him in real life.

But she was afraid. Excited, yes. But afraid too. And so far, her fear was overweighing her excitement. So she never asked him for a meeting. She has been dropping hints for a while now though.

"And then she puked on me." Jake sighed.
"Really?" Ester figured she had to respond every now and then too.
"Yeah, babies just hate me for some reason." He gave her a pout and Ester wondered when the heck he started talking about babies.

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