8. Liquid

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"And this is Mason." Ester looked at the supposed birthday man and smiled as they shook hands.

"Hello, I'm Ester." She told the blonde man, who chuckled.
"I know, I've heard quite a lot about you." He winked and they dropped hands. Sierra giggled and then pulled Ester towards another corner of the room.

"Are you okay?" Ester asked her friend. She did have quite a lot giggle attacks, Ester noticed.
"Yeah, it's just funny that I haven't even told Mason about you at all." Sierra said and Ester frowned.

"But he said-"
"Yeah and I'm not the only one who knows you." Sierra shook her head and took another sip of her drink. Ester blamed the alcohol for Sierra's weird behaviour.

"You still didn't get yourself a drink? I'll go get us one." With that, her only company left and vanished somewhere into the crowd. Ester suddenly felt awkward, not knowing how to act.

She wasn't the biggest fan of clubbing on its own. But when the club is on the last floor of a skyscraper and all the people in the club are rich, she felt extremely lost. At least Sierra lend her a dress, because Ester didn't even own designer dresses.

"You look quite lonely." Ester suddenly heard and looked up to meet familiar blue eyes.
"Oh, uh- I'm okay. I just don't really know anyone here." She admitted as she gave Mason a once over, discretely of course.

He was pretty tall, rather muscular and his white pants hung down low. His blue shirt had its first three buttons opened and a few light chest hairs were peeking through. He was attractive, but not exactly her type.

"Did Sierra already leave your side? That girl." Ester simply laughed when the man shook his head.
"Speaking of a Stone, have you seen Devon? Did he come with you guys?" Mason asked her.

"Uh, no he didn't come with us. But that might be my doing, sorry." Ester felt the need to apologize. She was sure Devon's lack of presence was because of her, he even said it before. Mason frowned, deep in thoughts and then chuckled before taking a sip of his drink.

"He did tell me quite a few things about you. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually misses his best friend's twenty ninth birthday party because of his stupid pride." Ester's eyes widened at that.

"You're twenty nine?" She couldn't help herself and was relieved he didn't take it as an insult when he simply smiled and nodded.
"Yes, I can't believe it either, trust me." He answered and took another sip.

"How old are you?" He continued.
"I'm twenty." Mason's eyes widened slightly before he shrugged it off.
"I could be your dad." He joked and Ester laughed again.

"No, you couldn't. You were nine years old when I was born." She reminded him and Mason shrugged.
"I could've impregnated a women when I was nine. I was very mature for my age." He said, which she doubted.

"Sure." She teased him and Mason looked fake bewildered.
"How do you think you're speaking to your father, young lady?" He said in a deep voice and they both broke out in laughter.

"What's so funny?" Sierra eventually appeared next to Mason again with two fancy glasses in her hands. She handed one of them to Ester and then took a sip of her own. Ester thanked her and sobered up.

"Oh hey, you. You left your friend alone, I'm disappointed. Plus, you forgot my birthday hug." Mason acknowledged his old friend and gave her a hug.
"I was just getting some drinks. But it seems like you kept her company while I was gone, so it's all good." Sierra winked at him and then looked at Ester.

"You wanna go and meet my other friends? The girls I usually hang out with? Not this dumbo." Sierra asked her and Mason placed a hand over his chest and silently acted hurt.
"Sure." Ester answered and let Sierra take her hand.

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