23. Rocks

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"That's it, guys. We should call it a night." Sierra eventually said. Devon and especially Ester were waiting for the moment their private lesson finally ended.

Sierra was very strict and Ester found out she was a perfectionist. They went over one move for ages until Sierra felt satisfied. Ester and Devon were breathing hard when they finally pulled apart. You'd think they ran a marathon, Sierra smirked.

"Oh, it's gotten pretty late." Sierra acted surprised when she saw the time and Ester's eyes widened. The last bus came half an hour ago, she knew that by heart. She'd have to walk then, Ester thought as she took a sip of her water.

"Devon, I still need your help carrying these boxes to my car. Ester do you want a ride? I don't think the bus is still driving?" Sierra asked, much to Ester's relief. She really didn't want to roam the streets at almost midnight.

"That would be nice, thank you." She told her friend, who nodded.
"Come on, Devon. The boxes are downstairs." Sierra told her brother, who followed her. Right before they both vanished, Sierra told Ester to wait in the hall.

Ester nodded and took her things. She walked out of the ballroom and into the hall, where normally Gina would sit behind the receptionist desk. But not even she was here anymore and Ester couldn't blame her. She felt kind of honoured to get private lessons late at night though.

"Do you guys need help?" Ester felt obliged to ask them when they walked past her and through the entrance of the dance studio with big boxes in their hands.
"Oh, no thanks. We're almost done." Sierra assured her with a smile.

Something about her friend's behaviour made Ester narrow her eyes at her. Was she up to something? Or was that just the aftermath of yesterday? Has Sierra gone completely insane? Maybe completely insane was a little harsh. But Ester couldn't help but wonder.

"Sierra, what the heck is in these boxes? Rocks?" She heard Devon ask his sister. She wondered how he could even carry anything, her arms hurt like hell. Who knew dancing would be this exhausting? She'll definitely need sport attire for the next few months. For tango, that is.

Ester decided to at least help them place the boxes into Sierra's car. Her trunk was getting full, so they had to place some in the back of her car. Ester thought that was it, but Sierra announced she had two more left. And when those boxes didn't fit in the back anymore, Sierra told Ester to sit down in the passenger seat and placed the boxes on her lap.

"Is that okay? I know it's uncomfortable, but that's the only way." Sierra asked her friend, who could barely move. Damn those boxes were heavy, Ester silently agreed with Devon. "No, it's fine." She answered Sierra, who glanced at Devon.

She saw her brother frown down at Ester. But he didn't say anything, much to Sierra's annoyance. He was really bad at being a gentleman, she thought. So Sierra needed to come up with something else. Or better yet, be direct.

"Well, if only someone else here had a car and could help out." She wondered out loud. But Ester didn't hear her and instead shifted underneath the weight.
"Sierra, can we leave already? I think my legs are getting numb." She asked her friend.

"Hold on a second." Sierra told Ester and then she looked back at Devon. He seemed like he caught on as he narrowed his eyes at his sister. She simply raised an eyebrow at him. Devon shrugged before opening his arms.

"Alright, bye." He hugged his sister, making her gape at his lack of common sense. She rolled her eyes when he pulled away.
"For heaven's sake, Devon! Could you help us out?" Sierra finally asked him.

"What?" Devon asked after gulping. She knew right then and there, he was trying to avoid being alone with Ester.
"Could you, as in a fine gentleman with a nice car, take the fine lady home? Or does she have to get crushed under the boxes just because you are dense as heck?" Sierra placed her hands on her hips.

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