49. Epilogue

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Two months later...

Ester looked at her reflection and smiled. She did look beautiful, Ester thought proudly. She looked like such a girly girl, it was unfamiliar. But she kind of liked it.

The baby blue dress, Sierra chose for her matched her fair skin tone and brought out her eye colour. Her braided hair made her feel like a princess and the flower crown was just the cherry on top.

A knock on the bathroom door pulled her out of it and she quickly washed her hands before opening the wooden door. Sierra grinned at Ester with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"What?" Ester asked as she let Sierra take her hand and lead them back to the crowd.
"Mom said Alejandro's mother's aunts are here. And guess what." Sierra asked as they reached the church.

"What?" Ester asked as they sat down to wait for the wedding ceremony to start. She looked around, hoping to catch a glance of him before he did. She hasn't seen or heard from Devon after what happened at Jeremy's. She wanted to speak to him but was still nervous.

"They used to earn their money by predicting the future. They are fortune tellers, Ester. And I'm going to find out when the heck I will find the love of my life. Because honestly, I feel so frustrated, even Mason appears to be attractive lately." Sierra scoffed, making Ester roll her eyes in amusement.

"Mason isn't exactly ugly, Sierra. He's a quite handsome man, actually." Ester admitted, her eyes still wandering around the huge room.
"Sure, if you say so." Her tone was off and Ester glanced at Sierra's flushed face.

"What?" Her friend asked upon seeing Ester smirk at her.
"Nothing." Ester shook her head. Sierra liked Mason but obviously didn't know it yet. Ester was curious how long it would take her to realize. She sensed an upcoming, complicated love story.

"So when is this whole process going to start? I'm getting tired." Speaking of the devil. The girls glanced to their right and saw Mason yawn as he waited for an answer. He was wearing a navy blue suit and a salmon pink tie. He was one of the best men. The other one was Devon and Ester once again glanced around.

"No one knows, Mason. It's a wedding." Sierra rolled her eyes, making him frown.
"Well someone woke up with the wrong foot today." He sighed, sitting down next to Ester.

"Now that you are here, you need to excuse me. I'll see how mom's doing." She rolled her eyes and stood up.
"Devon's there too. Tell him we're sitting in the front row." Mason ordered her and Sierra nodded before leaving.

"Seriously, what's wrong with her? She's so- so angry lately." Mason asked Ester.
"Angry? I don't know what you mean." Ester inwardly smirked. Oh, Sierra so liked this man.

"Really? You've been around her too. She's so mean. Doesn't she say rude things for no apparent reason?" He asked and turned his whole body to her.
"Like last time I came over to talk to her mother about the wedding, I invited her and Devon for dinner but she just rolled her eyes and told me she had better things to do than eat with two oafs. Like what the hell? Who even uses the word oaf anymore?" He shook his head.

"That might be my doing." Ester told him with a shrug.
"You girls." He scoffed, still confused about Sierra's attitude lately. Ester simply laughed and took out her phone to see if she got any new messages. To her disappointment, nothing came.

"Expecting a call or something?" Mason asked her, noticing how she glanced at her phone.
"No. Just checking the time." She lied. Mason nodded and then sighed.

"Are you and Devon ever going to talk about it? You know, there's always two sides to a story." He asked her in all seriousness.

"Come on, Ester. It's starting." Sierra suddenly appeared and the two walked up to the altar to stand next to the cute flowered door frame. Mason stood up as well and looked around for Devon. Ester followed his gaze and her breath hitched at the sight of him.

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