13. Call

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As soon as she got home, Ester's only intention was to call Sierra and tell her about today's events. Her friend had developed a great headache last night and told her that ballroom was cancelled for the next two days.

But when she entered her apartment and her roommate Olivia came out of the bathroom with a toothbrush hanging between her lips, she felt like she hadn't seen Olivia for ages.

"So you are still alive." Apparently Ester wasn't the only one who thought so, because the next thing Olivia did, was hug her roommate. Ester chuckled slightly and hugged her just as tight.

"What's that face for, girl?" Olivia asked as soon as they pulled apart.
"Oh, let me tell you." Ester did tell her about the rude guy from the dance class and the person who splashed her weeks ago. Now she was excited to tell her roommate the connection between them.

Five minutes later, the two found themselves sitting at the couch with two cups of tea im front of them. Olivia was excited to hear about the 'devil' from ballroom again. She remembered how passionately she talked about him. How rude he was without reason and how she wished he would just- ugh. That were her roommate's exact words.

"So, he was the one who made you wet?" Ester heard right after she told Olivia about her realization. She rolled her eyes, catching her friend's pun.
"You're funny."

"Alright, but this guy. What's his name again?" Olivia asked.
"Devon." Ester spat as if saying his name hurt her tongue.
"Devon, huh." Olivia winked, making Ester scoff.

"Don't even. He's- he's-"
"Ugh?" Olivia pushed Ester's knee with hers.
"Exactly. Ugh." Ester felt herself calm down. She shook her head, willing herself to forget about him. But Olivia found Ester's situation way too interesting to let it go.

"How does he look like?" Olivia took a sip of her tea, glancing at her now calm friend.
"How is that relevant?" Ah, there it was. Ester's infamous blush. It was undeniable, Olivia knew her roommate was attracted to him. Ever since she saw her get out of his car weeks ago.

"Just asking." She shrugged and Ester sighed before shrugging as well, trying her best to act nonchalant about the question.
"Well, he's- he has black hair. And-"
"Like yours?" Olivia interrupted.

"No, darker. Mine's dark chocolate, but his is raven and there's not a speck of brown in it." Ester said.
"And his eyes are green. Sometimes brownish. But most of the time, the green is the dominant colour."

"And his lips?" Ester's breath hitched at that question.
"His lips?" She asked shocked.
"Well, what shape do they have? Luscious or-"
"Of course not! They're just lips, Olivia. His lips anyways." She rolled her eyes.

"Well, so not luscious. Boring, chapped and small then?" Olivia smirked when Ester shook her head.
"No. Not like that. I just never really thought about his lips like that." Lies! Ester knew she was lying, but she'd never admit that to anyone.

"So they are suc-"
"Yes, damn it. I guess if there's no other option. They are luscious." She finally exploded.
"Okay, okay. So onto his body. Does he have that dancer body from the movies? That swing in his hips?" Olivia continued.

"That swing in his hips? Don't get me wrong, but that sounds a little feminine." Ester laughed, finally easing up.
"So? Dancers mostly act feminine." Her roommate shrugged.

"Well, not Devon. He is as masculine as they get, trust me. With broad shoulders, a six pack and ripped back."
"A six pack? Did you see him naked?" That made Ester frown and realize she's said too much.

"No way!" She simply said and as Olivia gave her a look, she sighed and continued.
"At Mason's party he had this tight shirt on."
"And you saw his six pack through that?"

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