50. Epilogue pt.2

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The crowd cheered for them to go again. The music stopped but you wouldn't be able to tell because of how loud the people clapped. Martha was so happy, she shed a happy tear. Sierra was so fascinated by how good the two danced, she was speechless. Mason looked proud as he probably clapped the loudest.

But Ester didn't hear that. She couldn't hear anything because her mind was filled with only one thing: Devon's kiss.

Despite Devon's refusal of being a hopeless romantic, his actions spoke louder. There he stood, in the middle of the dance floor, embracing the only woman he ever loved, kissing her in front of the whole crowd.

Ester was surprised, but couldn't help kissing him back. Her body was on fire, almost as much as her lips. His touches appeared so much more intense and she had to hold onto him tightly because her knees felt too weak.

When his lips slowly left hers, both seemed to get pulled out of a dream. The crowd's noise became clear and the fact that they were still standing in the midde of the dance floor was the only reason that kept Devon from doing more than just kiss Ester.

"Are you okay?" He whispered to her as he pulled her away from the crowd. She nodded, currently not able to answer with words.
"Ester, we need to talk." He told her, stopping them at a corner.

She nodded and looked around.
"Yes, but not here." Was all she said before taking his hand and leading him into a lonely hallway. She had checked out the place an hour ago while she was supposed to wait until Sierra was finished with Sylvia's fortune teller aunts. And she found a cute spot to talk.

"You have a thing for balconies, don't you?" Devon asked once she lead him to one. Ester shrugged and leaned against the banister.
"I like this scenery." She said, watching the warm summer breeze gently move the leaves and branches on the trees.

"Figures." He murmured, leaning against the banister next to Ester. She sighed before looking back at Devon. Their eyes locked and Ester's breath hitched again.

"You look breathtakingly beautiful, Ester." Devon said, leaning a little closer to her.
"Thank you. You look handsome too." She blushed at his compliment.

"Are you okay?" He asked her in a serious tone.
"Yes, I am." Her eyes couldn't meet his. He knew she was lying.
"Have you talked to someone?" He continued and Ester shrugged. Devon sighed before closing his eyes.

"Ester, what happened to you is not just something that you can forget. Stalking is scary and I- I just don't want you to think no one's there for you. Because we all are." He took a hold of her chin, gently raising it so she would look at him.

"Ester, I love you. I love you so much, it hurts not to be with you every single second of my day. I hated not seeing you for months after what happened." He placed his forehead against hers. Ester was shocked. Even though it was the second time he said it, her heart skipped a beat again.

"But I wanna be there for you. Even if it means telling you about my past." His words made her gulp. She knew he would tell her eventually but she didn't know if she was actually ready to hear it. What if he really did kill somebody?

"Devon, you don't have to." But he shook his head.
"I do. I don't know if I'm ever going to be as ready as right now, love." He whispered. A minute of silence passed before he took a deep breath and wrapped his arms around her waist, his forehead still planted against hers. He closed his eyes.

"After my graduation, I started working in Nonan. That was four years ago. Sierra was twenty at that time. She visited me for a weekend because back then I wasn't home as often as I am nowadays." He sighed.

"Anyways, so that weekend one of my colleagues threw a party. I was invited and decided to take Sierra with me. She's never been to Nonan before that. The big capital of Silverthorne." Devon shook his head.

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