46. Walls

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"What did you do?" Devon heard and looked at the two woman in front of him.

Martha and Sierra told him to tell them everything as soon as they got home. And even though Devon really didn't want to, he knew he had no other choice.

"Devon." Martha frowned when her son didn't answer. They were all seated in the living room as Alejandro showed his mother the city.

He had no idea how to answer. He didn't even know what he did. Now that he knew his sister didn't mind, he felt angry. Angry at himself and angry at his sister. So he looked at her with a hard glare, shocking Martha and Sierra.

"How long did you know?" He growled at Sierra, whose eyes widened.
"Well, I-" She stopped, not wanting to upset him even more.
"Remember when I caught you two almost kissing at the beach house?"

"You were at the beach house?" Their mother asked the same moment Devon shot up from his seat and strode over to his sister.
"You want to tell me, you've known for months and you didn't tell us?" He asked her calmly and Sierra gulped.

"I-I didn't know how to tell you."
"A simple 'hey, I'm okay with you two dating' would've been enough!" He yelled at her.
"Devon, calm down. She just-"

"Calm down, mom?! She is the whole reason why I broke up with Ester!" He exploded.
"You broke up with-"
"Yes! And not because I care if you know it or not. But because Ester would feel like the worst friend and I know-" He stopped talking, taking a deep breath.

"I know how much you mean to her. And how much she means to you. I-" Devon shook his head and took a step back.
"I need to apologize. I need to- I-I have to-" Devon was out of the door without any further warning.

He jumped into his car and took off. He was going over the speed limit but had to slow down. He knew if the police would catch him again, he wouldn't be able to see Ester for another hour or so. So he reluctantly slowed down.

A few minutes away from his destination and his phone rung. He picked up after seeing Mason's name pop up.

"Make it quick." He ordered.
"So I let a friend analyse the picture you got from that person, since the police won't help. He found out the person used a phone. Most likely an iPhone seven. And from the angle the picture was taken, he assumes it was taken from a rooftop. If you want to meet up there now, we can see if the person left something behind. Or if we can find anything." Mason informed Devon.

"I can't right now. But we can meet there later today." Devon said.
"Okay, I'll look for people that still have an iPhone seven and a possible motive." His best friend said and the two hung up a few seconds later.

Devon stopped his car in front of Ester's apartment complex and got out to sprint towards it. He had to explain now. He had to make her believe that all he said was wrong and all he ever wanted was her. Not revenge, no fling. Just Ester.

He knocked on her apartment door and waited. Then he heard footsteps and took a small step back. Finally, the door opened but his face fell.

"What do you want?" Olivia asked with narrowed eyes. Devon figured she knew what happened between him and her roommate. He cleared his throat.
"I need to speak to Ester." He stepped forward, hoping he didn't have to shove her out of the way.

"Ester isn't here. She's at that cake tasting event." Olivia told him, crossing her arms over her chest. Devon frowned.
"No, she left two hours ago. She should be here by now." He said.

"Maybe she's at Sierra's." Olivia guessed but he shook his head.
"Sierra is at mom's place. We left together." He panicked. She should've been here by now.

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