28. Coffee

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Ester woke up to a cup of water being dumped over her face the next morning. She sat up gasping for air, not really knowing what just happened. But then she felt the wetness and rubbed her eyes.

"Finally. You know how hard it is to wake you up?" Olivia's voice sounded close and Ester thought about a surprise attack. But it was too early to even open her eyes fully, so she rubbed them again.

"Olivia, pray tell why in the world you'd wake me up like that!" Ester said, finally looking up at her roommate.
"Well for one, I always wanted to do that. Waking someone up with water." Olivia giggled but then smirked.

"But more importantly, there's a hot guy waiting downstairs and I'm pretty sure he's here for you." Olivia said and Ester's eyes widened.
"What time is it?!" She stood up abruptly.

"Around 6:50." Her roommate said and Ester hissed at herself.
"Oh God! Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" She ran over to the window and saw Devon leaning against his car. He was turned towards the car with his elbows placed on the roof of the car and his head resting on his arms.

"At first, I didn't see him. I mean I don't exactly look out of the window every time I wake up." Olivia said whilst she watched Ester throw on some clothes.
"Care to tell me why you guys are meeting up this early?" Her roommate asked after Ester ran into the kitchen to get a water bottle.

"We're starting to jog every morning." Ester quickly explained before running into her bathroom and quickly brushing her teeth whilst brushing her hair.
"Here, let me do your hair." Olivia helped and Ester sighed before furiously brushing her teeth.

"Calm down, he doesn't look like he's going anywhere." Olivia said.
"I know, but I was supposed to meet him outside at 6:45. I hate tardiness." Ester spit out the toothpaste just as Olivia finished brushing the knots out of her hair.

"Thanks!" Ester yelled after Olivia once she finished her hair with a bun and grabbed the water bottle. They quickly said goodbye and Ester was sprinting downstairs. Then she stopped still inside the building but a few meters away from him.

She didn't even look into the mirror. Where was her phone? Ester realized she must've forgotten it upstairs. Oh heck, they were only going to run! Get out there! With another deep breath, Ester walked outside and took slow steps towards him.

"Sorry, I totally forgot about the running." She quickly said once she reached him. He didn't turn around and she figured he didn't hear her come outside. But even after she talked, he wasn't moving.

"Devon?" She asked, walking closer. No answer.
"I'm sorry, I'm late." She said hesitantly. Still nothing. But when she laid her hands on his upper back and said his name again, he flinched and quickly turned around.

He looked around him, looking disoriented, but then his eyes travelled lower to see Ester standing in front of him. He looked relieved and then rubbed his eyes. Ester lifted an eyebrow.
"Did you just sleep standing?" She asked impressed.

"I-." Devon frowned at himself then, before shaking his head.
"What time is it?" He asked but Ester shrugged.
"I forgot my phone." She told him and Devon nodded before fishing out his own.

"7:20." He told her and Ester's eyes widened.
"I'm sorry. I totally forgot to set the alarm last night." She excused.

"It's fine. I wasn't ready for a jog today anyways. But we could take a ten minute walk around the block if you want? I know you have to actually wake up at 7:30 for work." Devon said. Ester was surprised that he still knew that, but shrugged.

"Sure. After all, you did drive all the way here. I'm sorry again." Ester told him when he came to stand beside her. Devon yawned before shaking his head.
"It's fine, really. Don't worry." He said as they started walking.

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