12. Scary

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It was the next day and Ester was in the back of the secretariat of Steinfurt's college, getting some important papers for a student when she heard his voice.

"Call for her, I'm not leaving until she's standing right in front of me!" She heard and her heart skipped a beat. What the heck was he doing here? How did he know where she worked?

It wasn't long until her colleague, Sarah was rushing into the back of the secretariat with a bewildered look.
"Ester, there's a man for you in the front. He demands to talk to you or else he won't leave. He's scaring us, please come immediately."

Ester sighed and quickly finished grabbing all the papers for the girl that was already waiting for her. They made their way to the front and Ester made short eye contact with the man that was terrorizing her colleagues.

"Here you go." Nevertheless, Ester had a job to do and handed the student her papers. Devon was right next to the girl, patiently waiting for her to round the barrier between them. Once she did, he grabbed her hand and walked out if the college.

"Devon, stop it. I'm at work." She snapped at him, but he just continued dragging her downstairs. Once they've reached the front yard of the building, Devon pushed Ester onto a bench and placed his hands on his hips.

He opened his mouth, ready to shout at her, but the words didn't come out. Ester frowned and watched him start pacing in front of her. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest before standing up.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" She heard him yell after her once Ester turned her back towards him as she made her way back to the entrance of the college.
"I have work to do." She yelled over her shoulder and a second later he had a tight grip on her shirt, pulling her back against his hard chest.

"Let me go, Devon." She hissed in embarrassment when he lifted her and turned her around. She was sure her colleagues were watching them through the windows. Devon pushed her to sit on the bench and then placed his hands on the back of the bench on either side of Ester, caging her in.

"I'm not going to dance at my mother's wedding. You can forget about it." He growled.
"Why are you talking to me then? I'm not the one ecstatic about dancing with you." She said, noticing how his minty breath touched her mouth.

"You will go to my mother and find some stupid excuse as to why you can't dance at her wedding." He demanded and Ester laughed. She found this situation rather funny than scary.

"I'm not joking, Ester!" Devon yelled out, making her stop.
"You're scared." She stated, causing Devon to narrow his eyes at her. She'd wondered what Sierra meant by saying she doubted her brother will voluntarily dance in front of so many people. He was scared, wasn't he?

"Scared? Of what?" He scoffed.
"Messing up? I don't know. But there is something you fear when it comes to dancing in front of people. And that, Devon." She said, a smile starting to form on her face.

"That is enough reason for me not to go to Martha and tell her that I can't come." She smirked.
"You." He growled before leaning down so far, they were touching noses.

"You think I'm the only one that is going to have a problem? You think you'll just dance and have fun?" She gulped when he chuckled lowly.
"If we're doing this, Ester. I will crush you. And I swear to God, you will not see it coming."

"I won't be the only one drowning. You can be sure, I'll take you with me." He continued before taking a deep breath and intensifying his heated gaze on her.
"So I'm asking you now to step out. To leave me the fuck alone." He growled, his voice strong yet quiet.

Leave him alone? He was the one bothering her. He was at her workplace for heaven's sake! And yet he was the one acting annoyed by her. He was a bloody bastard and she'd be damned if she let him win. Whatever game it was, whatever he was talking about. She was going to win it. And she was the one going to crush him!

"If you're so sure you'll be the one winnig, why are you asking me to stop? That lacks of confidence in my eyes." She said and saw Devon close his eyes in anger. The muscles in his jaw jumped and in a swift motion, he had removed himself from her.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." With that, he turned and walked away. Ester watched puzzled when he stepped into his vehicle without another glance at her.

But when he backed out, turning in the process and showing Ester the back of his car, her jaw dropped. She'd remember that license plate even in ten years. He was the one splashing her with dirty road water! That asshole!

How did she not see that before? Well, it's only been one time that he drove her home. And she was upset with him, so she never looked back after he dropped her off. Maybe she should've. But now she knew it was him that splashed her.

And he was going to regret that.

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