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"Mom? Are you awake?" I call out into the house, knowing she is here because her car is outside. It had begun to drizzle slightly outside, so we rushed into the door instead of knocking.

"Yes, Jay, I'm in the kitchen." Christian and I make our way into the kitchen to meet her. "Jay... you didn't think to tell me someone was coming over?"

"Oh shit, sorry Mom. This is Christian, I was going to take him to school today, but I forgot it was Saturday."

"It's very nice to meet you, Christian. You are very handsome."

"Mom!" I say, blushing profusely.

"Thanks, Ms. Wilson," Christian smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"Jay, I wish I knew you were coming home. And with company." She turns back to the stove, "I could have made breakfast for everyone."

"Don't worry, we went and got coffee and donuts. Thank you though," I say and give her a hug from the side.

"Jay! You look and smell like you fell from a tree, what happened?"

"Uh-um... I–" I stutter but am interrupted.

"He came to pick me up this morning and tripped and fell into a bush. He's so clumsy," Christian came to my rescue. I laugh and so does Mom.

"Well, we're going to my room, okay?" I ask Mom, also half asking Christian as well. I'm not even sure if he's comfortable being a lone with me like that.

"Okay honey, you guys go hang out. I'll let you know if I leave for anything." We walk back into the living room and turn to the hall where my room is. I walk in, Christian shutting the door for us, and plug the string lights that zigzag above the bed on and plop down onto the sheets, lying down and resting my tired body. Christian sits on the edge of the bed, being very modest and acting nervous.

"Are you alright, Christian?" I ask.

"Your mom is so nice." I hear his voice falter.

"Come here," I say and he turns and looks at me, which is when I notice his teary eyes. "Don't cry, why would you cry now? Is it something I said?" I start to panic.

"It's not you," he says, wiping his eyes with his sleeve. "It's just that you have such a wonderful, accepting parent, and it breaks my heart that I can't have the same thing with Dad."

"Come lie down beside me, please." Christian finally gives in, sliding towards me and lying his head down on the pillow beside me. We face each other, and Christian shuts his eyes. I trace my finger down his jaw and leave my fingertip on his neck. He opens his eyes slightly for a moment and giggles.

"What is it?" he asks, probably questioning my astounded face at how effortlessly handsome he is.

"You are just so... breathtaking."

"Can you, you know?" His eyes dart down just below my eyes and then he closes his. I lean in closer to him and press my lips softly onto his. I feel the blood in my face heat up, as I realize I am kissing Christian in my bed. I cup his cheek with one hand and brush my fingertips onto his thickly clothed chest with the other. His stubble brushes my hand, and I pull his bottom lip with mine. He suddenly bites my bottom lip softly, making me whine slightly.

"I want to feel your body," I request, and he blinks quickly before nodding. He pulls his hoodie off, along with his t-shirt, and I watch his muscles contract as his arms lift above his head. His chest and abs flatten as his arms lift, and when he drops them back down, they becomes full and muscular again. I quickly ditch mine as well and pull him on top of me as we lie down.

"Your body looks identical to you in my dream, it's insane," I mumble.

"Same for me, but just more sexy that it's real this time," he smiles at me and I gulp. I want to feel every fiber of his being with, well, every fiber of my being.

I run my hands up and down his back slowly and in unknown motions, his lips parting and we deepen our kiss. His tongue stays still at first, so I swipe mine along his. It feels warm and wet, but less gross than I ever imagined. With Christian, it feels amazing to be so sloppy and close and I've only known him for like three days.

"Uhn!" Christian moans out of our mouths, causing me to release our tongues and go back to teasing his lips. I sit up with him, so that he is straddling my lap and I run my fingers through his hair. I grip one hand harder into the brown hair and tug him away from my lips. I trail kisses down his neck and nip at his collarbone, swipe my tongue across his chest when I finally reach one of the pink buds. I lie Christian back onto the bed and climb above him, licking and nibbling softly at his nipple.

"Jay, don't stop," he moans softly and I reach the other with my hand, rubbing the bud softly. Christian's back arches off the bed in pleasure, his hips bucking into my stomach. I remove my hand from his nipple and slide down onto his sensitive area, palming his teased member roughly.

"No, Jay, stop!" he yells slightly hostile, shoving at me, and I back away. He lies there in all his glory, and I feel like an idiot for going too fast.

"Fuck, I'm sorry Christian, please don't be mad. I thought you wanted–"

"You thought!" he says bitterly, quickly sitting up and redressing himself. I sit still, dumbfounded at how I could possibly have been wrong about him wanting to be touched. I want to please him, so bad. He needs relief, from sexual frustration and from stress.

"Please don't hate me," I say, cowering against the headboard. Christian runs his hand through his hair frustratedly.

"I don't hate you, Jay. I'm not ready, okay. I should've told you that, I'm sorry."

"Are you sure you don't want me to do something? Anything? We don't have to go all the way, I wasn't planning it. I just wanted to relax you."

"Just hold me, please." I nod and we lie down again. I creep my hands into his hoodie and pull his against me. "I can take my hoodie off aga–"

"You're fine," I say and give him a reassuring smile.

"Thank you, baby," he says and kisses me once again. He nuzzles his head into my neck and I shut my eyes, slowly falling asleep to the sound of his soft breaths and the slight drizzle outside the window.

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