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It's raining.

The rain is beating down on my shoulders like a waterfall, and I can't feel my body, almost like I'm swimming. Is this a dream? I think this must be a dream, but why can I control my thoughts?

I finally snap open my eyes, after seeing black for the entire time I was conscious. I am faced with a window, which means I am outside looking in. The window is being beaten with rain, but not as much as I am. I see a lamp flicker on, a boy about 10 is shuffling his bedding around. Suddenly, the boy begins to walk toward the window and I immediately freak out. This kid is going to call the police on me! I haven't done anything wrong, I didn't come here by choice!

He messes with the locks to see if it is latched from the outside world. It wasn't, but he locked it up safe and sound. Then he looked absently right into my eyes, though it may be because I'm not really here. Maybe this is a flashback. He looks side to side and I'm able to take in his features better, when I let out a sharp gasp.

It's Christian.

This is so weird, watching him at night as a 10 year old. I wonder if he has had a dream of me sitting outside my 10 year old window. I hope not, that'd be creepy. But then again, I'm doing the same thing. He finally gets up from his knees and walks back over to his bed. I feel a weird pressure building in my chest, like something terrible is going to happen.

Baby Christian finds the switch of the lamp and pulls it, turning it off. Too bad Ethan isn't here to tuck him in, he's on his own. Mom put me to bed all the way up to about 12 years old, and I started telling her it wasn't cool. I could see the worry in Christian's eyes when he looked outside, like there was no protection from the outside world, like he was all alone. And he was. At least, for a little while.

Suddenly, after about five minutes of Christian soundly snoring, his closet door creaks open. I don't know what the fuck is going on here, but I am knocking on the window, trying to stop whatever it is.

But I'm getting no response.

"Christian, wake up! There is someone behind you, please, little buddy, wake up!" I scream, but not even the intruder is acknowledging me. The shadow hovers over the side of the bed, as Christian lies on his stomach asleep. I am wildly beating on the window, trying to open it with my hard punches but it's like aquarium glass, not even a bullet could penetrate.

"CHRISTIAN PLEASE GET UP! SAVE YOURSELF!" I scream and blood pours from my hands as I whittle my knuckles away. I can't move my feet, so there's no running for the front door to warn him. I reach for a phone in my pocket but there isn't one. My voice becomes raspy and my nose and eyes are running wildly at how hard I am crying, wailing to help him.

The figure has moved onto the bed, his legs draped on either side of Christian, prompting him to wake up and let out a loud scream. His legs kick and his arms flail, but this man has him pinned. I can't see anything explicit in the dark, thank heavens, but I know what is happening. This man is molesting my poor baby Christian. The movements, the groans of sick fucked twisted dark pleasure, Christian's soft cries and whimpers of despair. I couldn't match the pain he must have felt. What he must still be feeling today.

After nearly a minute, Ethan bursts through the door and sees the assailant. He raises his pistol and points it for the mans shoulder, shooting him and incapacitating him. Ethan rushes over to the man and punches him in the nose repeatedly until the man is unconscious. Ethan picks up a screaming and pain-filled Christian and carries him in his arms, out of the room, clutching his hair in his hand and calming him down.

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