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One week later...

The last week at school before the trip was great. School went on as usual, I got all of my work done in advance of this week, and everything is in order. I knew it would pay off working twice as hard the week before instead of trying to make it up the week after coming back home from the trip. Now I'm ahead of the game, and so is Christian.

Speaking of Christian, his dad was forced to finance a big part of the trip because of the low amount of people going. It was Christian, myself, Mrs. Dwyer, and Mr. Nolan, which was six less than what they needed to get sponsored. The school paid for half, and Ethan paid for the other half, plus our fees. He said it was nothing, but I feel eternally indebted to him now. He has done so much for me and Christian, but he keeps saying that it's all for what I did for him. I didn't do anything for him, though. I just helped something along that was waiting to happen, so I felt very over treated, but he was so insistent. I guess I impacted him more than I could ever imagine.

I remember the conversation I had with Ethan before getting on the plane, still in the airport.

"Please take care of Christian while you guys are there. He thinks he's invincible sometimes, and I'm worried about him going off alone," Ethan said.

"He won't be alone. I'll be by his side the entire trip, and we are going to have a great time. Don't even worry about us."

"Please, take this cash with you. I want you to be able to afford anything you want or need."

"Ethan, I don't deserve this."

"Jay, I can never make up for what all you've done for my son and I. Please, never think you are being greedy, I am just doing everything I can to show my gratitude."

"I'll take this, as long as you don't do it anymore. I appreciate the extra cash for the trip to get souvenirs, but afterward I want you to treat me normally. You have infinitely made it up to me, I promise."

"Fair enough. I'm just so grateful. He's never been so happy in all his life. It's so nice to have him back to being who he was as a kid."

"Thank you for everything, Ethan. As far as I see, you are a great dad, not just to Christian, but to me, as well." He hugged me tightly like a loving father would.

"Well, I have to get to work, I'll see you boys next week. Stay safe."

I'm lucky to have a future father-in-law that has already basically given me his blessing, betting that I will be with Christian forever. Christian's soft, barely audible snores as he lays against my shoulder make me warm inside. I pet his hair with my hand, knowing how tired he must be after having that horrible night terror last night. I thought he would never snap out of it, I was yelling so loudly to wake him. After him thrashing about for nearly two minutes, he collapsed into my arms and sobbed. He wouldn't tell me about it, and when I awoke after going back to sleep, he had said sleep never came again for him. I know how awful they are, because I used to have them as a kid.

During the week at school, Quentin sat with us at lunch on Monday. After shouting that Christian was nothing more than my "social project" and storming away, I haven't seen his or Hector's face. As far as I know, they could be broken up, because neither of them would return my messages or calls. So I'm guessing Hector now hates me as well, and I'll probably never see them again, at least in good faith. Considering Quen had to have told Hector about Him and I. I can't seem to shake the thought that this is all my fault from my head. Hell, it is all my fault.

Jessie is doing great. She has been getting more out there, now that she isn't tied to me anymore. She has texted me the details of a certain hookup with a certain someone we were both talking about the day we made up. Christian, Jessie and I all hung out Friday at her house and talked about everything and just caught up. I feel like I've neglected her along this new journey I've been on, but she is trying to get over me, and I want her to. So if we need to limit our time together, I understand.

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