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"Christian, we have to go," I say, grabbing his hand and walking toward the door.

"Wait, what's going on!?" he protests. I pull him into the hall so Ethan won't hear us.

"Luke called me. He's being terrorized by his friends, the ones who jumped us. We have to go help him." I grab his wrist again and he smacks my hand away.

"Fuck that, Jay. He could've killed you– us! Why does he deserve our help?"

"He came out to them. Luke is gay, and he's being chased down the streets by them. He has locations services on so I can track him, but we've got to go now. He won't be able to run and hide long enough."

"Wow, this is a lot to process. I still don't see how he deserves our help, he screwed our faces up!"

"It isn't about deserve, it's about what is right. He is in trouble, and the only people he could trust turned on him."

"Okay, fine." He crosses his arms and huffs. "There's, what, four or more of them and only two of us? It's not gonna work."

"Way ahead of you. It's time to assemble The Queer Squad."

• • •

"Fuck that," Kelsey protests immediately as the idea pours off my lips. "He deserves what's coming to him, he's a backstabbing asshole. What he did to you is unforgivable, and he doesn't deserve our help."

"Look, I know you guys must feel terrible about what happened. I do, too. He's the one who fucked up my face! But I'm going to help him, and we've got no time to waste. So please, we have to go!"

"But this is what he gets for pushing you and little Christian around for being gay!" Rosie says.

"Okay first of all, I'm not little," Christian interjects. "And secondly, no one deserves a beating for being gay! We have to go, and if you aren't coming, we're still going. So, come help us, or let us go and get hurt on our own."

Kelsey sighs and Rosie face palms.

"Okay," they say in unison.

• • •

"So you want to help the motherfucker that orchestrated all this shit in the first place? I say let him have it." Hector is not having this idea.

"Yeah, what he said," Quentin grumbles. He isn't even looking at us. My heart is breaking, seeing him like this, but I need his help.

"Please, we really need help. These idiots want to help another stupid ass out, and we aren't letting them go and get hurt by themselves," Kelsey says.

"Look, it's been about 20 minutes since I got off of the phone with him, and he hasn't moved from where he was. So he's either really busted up, or he's laying low still. He's got a lot of guys after him, so we need to go. Please."

"What's in it for us?" Quen speaks up, finally looking at me. He quickly softens and looks back away.

"Well, this is our chance to be heroic. Save someone who once caused us harm in the first place. Like a real hero," I gleam, though I shouldn't.

"You're taking this hero thing too far, MacGyver," Hector says. "But I'm in, I guess. Let's go save this piece of shit."

"I'm not going," Quentin says.

"It's okay," I say. "I think five of us could be alright. Hoping there's only four of them, Rosie and Kelsey can take one on together and the rest of us get one to ourselves."

"Hold on, why would we need to fight one?" Kelsey jabs.

"Well, uh..." my eyes fall on small Rosie and she gasps.

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