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It's 4 am, an hour before we leave for the airport. I step into the automated doors of the Walgreens across the street of the hotel. I've got to get some stuff to make Christian feel better, or else he's going to be struggling today. Scanning the shelves, I don't quite know what I should buy. I walk over to the pharmacy area, and see a worker.

"Hi, I... I think I need help," I whisper. I read her name tag: Lana.

"Condoms?" she asks. I blush and shake my head.

"No, related though. Would you know what's good to get for... after sex. To soothe the..." I can't say the word to a stranger, it's 4 AM, I'm done.

"Asshole? Okay, we'll look at some different things, just follow me. You're lucky I've worked here forever, I've seen and heard it all."

"Okay, pick the best stuff," I tell her, "I've got plenty of money." She leads me down the aisle and picks out a few different tubes of something. Then we walk over to the medicine and she picks out a bottle of pain reducers. We head back to the register and she checks me out.

"Here you go, thank you for shopping at Walgreens." She smiles a fake smile.

"Thank you, seriously. I had no idea what to buy, so I appreciate your help."

"No problem, your boyfriend will be fine," she says and I blush again.

"How'd you know I have a boyfriend?" I ask.

"I don't know, I guessed. I would also guess you don't live here. Field trip? You dirty boy, having sex on a school trip. So cliché, too." I frown and cross my arms.

"It isn't cliché, it was my birthday. He wanted to do it for me, so it was special." She laughs.

"It's sweet, yeah, but it's still pretty fucking cliché!" She continues laughing and I chuckle a little at her amusement. We say goodbye and I feel very confused by that entire experience. I also appreciate it in a way, I'm not sure how.

I finally return to the room, scanning the key card for the last time most likely. I set the things down on the table next to the bed and notice Christian is not in the bed. Then I hear a retching sound come from the bathroom. I rush inside and find him leaning over the toilet.

"Oh God, are you okay?" I freak out and sit on the floor behind him. I rub his back and wipe his hair back off his forehead. He's sweating and shaking. "What's wrong?"

"I'm fine, I just woke up really nauseated." He's not fine.

"God, last night was a bad idea." Christian continues to dry heave.

"I think I'm good now," he says after a good five minutes of calming down. I help him up and over to the sink so he can clean up. The poor thing is naked, shaking, and can hardly stand. I help him into the bedroom and lie him down, handing him the bag of medicines then grabbing some clothes to put on him.

"What's wrong exactly?" I ask as I get his clothes for him. He sighs.

"I had a dream. I watched you in that bathroom from yesterday and I watched that guy all over you. When I woke up, I was so sick to my stomach..." he trails off.

"I understand. I'm so sorry you had to see that," I apologize for something out of my control.

"The reason I got sick is because of the night terror I had Saturday night. It was the same dream, and it didn't occur to me what it was until last night. I could've warned you or something, but I didn't know. I just wanted to forget it." I hug his frame as he cries.

"It's okay, you didn't know. I'm over it, I at least got to knock him in the nuts." He laughs through the tears, giving me hope he's not entirely broken from that. I remember the night at his house, when I had the dream of him when he was only 10 years old. I wish he would've told me about it, but I'm not angry. I really don't mind it at this point, I had forgotten all about it until this moment. I guess Christian really has that affect on me. When I'm with him, there's no room for the negativity in the moment.

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